
here's the link to the Discord! feel free to pop-in!


@Hidden-Ajinn Hi, so you know your theories on the undertale multiverse? I was wondering if if I could use some of them for a book I'm making. I will give you full credit for them. I was also wondering if it was ok for me to expand on some of them in more detail as well.


@MoonStone_909 yeah feel free! i basically modified the quantum foam / bubble universe theory to allow overcrowding to be possible, scaling up with clusters of bubbles to be a multiverse, and overlapped the voids to uncomplicate them. 
            just kinda made sense to me. feel free to use/expand/modify the idea for your story!
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✨paste ✨this✨ on ✨ten✨ of ✨the ✨ nicest ✨ people's ✨profile ✨if ✨ you ✨get✨ ten✨ then ✨ you✨ are ✨ really ✨ special✨✨✨✨ (You don’t have to though. Just got this sent to me and you were one of the people I thought of)


@ArbitraryAnomaly bruh- i don't know what i did but thank you?? T^T
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hey you ok you havent been onlin for a bit


@William927620 same as here without the - tho. its rare i stream tho, its mostly art or minecraft
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Howdy! Just asking when you gonna update the bitty story, it may not be as popular as your other book but i still want updates, hope you have time to update that soon! You left me with a lot of questions on what will happen to our little friends


I  can wait, take your time on it
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@1Willow_wisp1 hello! it's been decided for the last few months (aka  year cuz life stuff kept coming up and delaying it) that i would be having A Small Problem on hold until i pass a specific scene in Fresh New Antivirus in preparation of a crossover/cameo. cuz i don't tend to plan things fully, having the backstory for AV!Fresh at least settled would help with continuity in characterization (and make it easier to focus on one plot at a time, etc)
            sorry it's taking longer then i expected but i do plan to get back into my other story at that time!
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Hello! I really like your work! Hope you update some stories soon


@Leylana- thanks! i'm working on the Q&A for Fresh New Antivirus and hope to be done by Christmas. the next chapter after that is already partially written
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Hey I just wanted to ask if it was okay if I made fan content for AVF?
          I adore admin fresh and have been holding myself back from writing about him/making videos about him- cuz I crave for admin fresh content (and fresh content overall-) lol 
          Just wanted to ask ^^ 
          (I will credit you btw)


@Hidden-Ajinn yay! I will now get to work on fancontent for admin fresh cuz I adore himmmmm
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@Glitchy_Demon13 yeah absolutely! i have no problems with fanarts of all kinds :D
            i love to see what creative things peeps get up too!
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Yo do you have tips for making a book I've been thinking of an idea of many months now but don't know how to write a book though


welcome to the club lol. no better way to understand the work others do than trying it out a little for yourself XD
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I am slowly comprehending why authors take so long to update their books
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np :D it's nice knowing my stuff gets some good laughs, and i'm glad i could pay forward the motivation to create :)
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