
“You think all of this is necessary?”
          	A voice asked but no response was given.
          	“All we are doing is causing more bloodshed. We are killing those who can’t be brought back.”
          	“It’s for the better.”
          	A second voice finally responds, resolute and undeterred. The sound of liquid is heard dripping.
          	“How can you consider this, ‘for the better’?”
          	Skepticism laced the words of the first voice. Grinding metal against stone replaces the liquid dripping.
          	“Because that’s what it is. We are cleaning up a mess for the betterment of our people. It’s our duty.”
          	The second voice responds, the life in their voice nonexistent.
          	“Our duty is to be the shield of our people and defend them, not the spear that seeks the blood of others.”
          	The grinding stops as soon as the first voice finishes speaking.
          	“Now is not the time to develop a heart. We have no need of it.”
          	The second speaks coldly, ceasing the dialogue between the two.
          	A sound is heard, the sound of quick breathing and frantic movements akin to a trapped animal. They only increase as heavy metal footfalls grow closer to the sounds.
          	“P-p-please, have m-mercy…”
          	A third voice speaks in a frightened whisper. The sound of metal sliding against stone is heard for a brief second.
          	The sound of flesh being torn is heard before something wet squelches across the ground.
          	(Thought I’d share something dark. Also, my thought process for this one was an alternate take on one of my stories. Also also, all of this stemmed from a single line, which you can find somewhere here. Crazy right? Anyways, cheers!)


Is the worrier form the rift still a work in progress 


“You think all of this is necessary?”
          A voice asked but no response was given.
          “All we are doing is causing more bloodshed. We are killing those who can’t be brought back.”
          “It’s for the better.”
          A second voice finally responds, resolute and undeterred. The sound of liquid is heard dripping.
          “How can you consider this, ‘for the better’?”
          Skepticism laced the words of the first voice. Grinding metal against stone replaces the liquid dripping.
          “Because that’s what it is. We are cleaning up a mess for the betterment of our people. It’s our duty.”
          The second voice responds, the life in their voice nonexistent.
          “Our duty is to be the shield of our people and defend them, not the spear that seeks the blood of others.”
          The grinding stops as soon as the first voice finishes speaking.
          “Now is not the time to develop a heart. We have no need of it.”
          The second speaks coldly, ceasing the dialogue between the two.
          A sound is heard, the sound of quick breathing and frantic movements akin to a trapped animal. They only increase as heavy metal footfalls grow closer to the sounds.
          “P-p-please, have m-mercy…”
          A third voice speaks in a frightened whisper. The sound of metal sliding against stone is heard for a brief second.
          The sound of flesh being torn is heard before something wet squelches across the ground.
          (Thought I’d share something dark. Also, my thought process for this one was an alternate take on one of my stories. Also also, all of this stemmed from a single line, which you can find somewhere here. Crazy right? Anyways, cheers!)


Is the worrier form the rift still a work in progress 



@gokugunslinger NOTHING. Finch, I didn’t mind too much. Honestly, didn’t really try giving off Cayde vibes to me. Nimbus? Oh by the Traveler, I wanted to shoot him and hide the body. Now that I think about it, I’m pretty the entire community shared that sentiment XD


God, last time I heard him voice Cayde was when I was in Middle school (forsaken just released). But I’m glad he’s back, you can tell Destiny has tried making Cayde clones with the hive ghost and the cloud rider, but nothing beats the original b


@gokugunslinger As I mentioned a few days ago, what a way to end the season! Also, it’s so good to hear Nathan Fillion as Cayde again.


“Your Guardian’s use has yet to be determined. We’re in need of a God killer.”
          -The Witness
          (I know Bungie is cooking with Final Shape, but imagine if it gave us a choice to become a Disciple of the Witness. Then again, the last choice they gave us was back in Season of the Drifter and that basically went no where…)


The Disciple or A silly ball in the sky?
            Decisions, decisions…….



@HollowedPrince Such a gem, just like the actor himself lol! XD


Me trying to write with writers block be like: https://youtu.be/NKRH1LNV8EI?feature=shared 
          (I am in so much mental pain…)


@HollowedPrince "There is no mercy, there is only… THE SENATE!!!”
            “NOT. YET.”
            *Irate Old Man Noises*


@Gymner *screams in absolute agony*


“You were not prepared. The enemy came into our world, their only desire to extinguish all life. They slaughtered our loved ones. They razed our homes, our cites, and our sacred places. You tried to stop them and you failed. And so you came to me, nothing remaining of you but rage and determination. And you learned that the things that once tormented you could give you power. Now you see that there is no sacrifice too great if it brings an end to the Burning Legion.”
          -Illidan Stormrage
          (Outside of Arthas/The Lich King, Illidan Stormrage is one of my favorite characters in the Warcraft universe. That and his creation of the Demon Hunters is fascinating.)


@HollowedPrince Been a while I touched base with this but didn't this happen after  Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne or during that?




@HollowedPrince I mean, funny elf. <(=w=)>


@Rubyfanguy12 Gonna be honest, I don’t have a good response for this XD