
Assalamu alaikum all, hope you're doing great in sha Allah!
          	Here to announce that there's a contest @__Miss_Fantasy__ is conducting where you can write one shots of Winged Dreams and Bowled Over by the Broken based on your creative imagination. :)
          	Tap on this link for more details: 


True said.......@underworldagent 


@HopesPrayersNSmiles  wa alaikumus salaam warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu.. I doubt any of us could get any close to ur level of creativity and  words choice.. I admire your talents in spilling emotions onto paper. Yet I wish everyone who gonna give the contest a try ,a best of luck. :) 


@HopesPrayersNSmiles walaikum assalam we all are doing  gud alhamdullilah.wbu?


Hey there.
          I just wanted to let you know that I have immense gratitude for you. I came across a page left blank when the book was still being written and with every chapter, I have grown in a way. 
          There was this instance where you described a spiritual romance book that rufaida read for a project and that's exactly how I feel about a page left blank.
          As someone who comes from a humble family of 4 , the book resonated so much with me. It taught me how the world can be cruel and yet when you rely on the almighty , you derive strength from him also. Rufaida's win felt personal. 
          I shed tears when asma told rufaida that she would choose rufaida over a 1000 sons and I hope one day , I can be what my parents deserve <3
          Another thing that I deeply admired about rufaida was her acceptance.  Even though, she followed the rules of her religion , I loved how she never imposed them on others or judged others for not being on her level.
          Thank you so much for writing this beautiful book and giving me hope. I will always cherish this book. May God bless you. 


Assalam-o- Alaikum everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I kindly request you to take some time to read my writings. As a proud Muslim, my aim is to showcase the beauty of Islam through my stories. I would deeply appreciate it if you could provide feedback and guidance on any areas where I could improve. Thank you all so much."


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu 
          How are you?
          When are you gonna upload BM3 and 11 days of halal dating? You said you would edit them and upload it...and now I have been waiting for so long. I hope everything is good at your end.


I’m patiently waiting for you to upload BM3


Hey there everyone! I need your help to find a book I can't remember the title of T-T 
          The guy's name was Zayn and the girl's name was Arisa. They were forcefully married or arranged marriage. The guy's mother dies while giving birth to him and then his father passed away bcoz of this. Zayn has a lot of siblings which are very older than him. One of his brother's name was Ahmed ig and sister name was Aliya. 
          Zayn is broody and rude and doesn't get along well with his family and Arisa.
          Arisa was raised by her aunt and her parents passed away too. She was abused by her family. Even the guy also abuses her in the story ig. The ending was something like it was Zayn's bday and they celebrate it in Paris and Arisa surprises him by calling over his family. Please help me out.