
Just a quick update: I’ve been working 10 hour days while also in the process of moving, so there has been very little time for me to write. However, my work shift will be shortened a bit starting Friday, and I am hopeful to get fit writing back in as soon as that happens! Thanks for the patience. Will work on the next HoD chapter as well as a couple little surprises ❤️


@Hoseokiiss i get that, thank you for updating us. Love your work and dedication, I hope things do start to get better for you 


@Hoseokiiss I love your story's hope you can get enough rest time and take care of yourself ☺️


Hello author!
          I hope you're doing well!
          I wanted to just tell you something. I love the siren's curse. It's been my artist's muse for years now. The book is so close to my heart, literally, I can die for it if it came in paperback.
          Recently I went to reread it for the thousandth time, and I just got something in my brain. 
          I kinda wrote it in a (poem/whatever it is supposed to be) then, and I think it's only fair if you see it since it's your creation in a sense.
          The call of a siren,
           a lullaby from the sea,
           Made to pull the souls,
           the universe deems guilty.
          No one deceives you with the roll,
           and no it's not a trap.
           But when the ocean calls,
           the melodies do make you snap.
          In the end it's just a guise,
           the world needs a cleanse.
           A siren is the soul,
           the universe chooses for trends.
          The truth will always be buried,
           the ocean always wins.
           A human is just a creature,
           what can he even do
           when nature is the one who sins.


Just a quick update: I’ve been working 10 hour days while also in the process of moving, so there has been very little time for me to write. However, my work shift will be shortened a bit starting Friday, and I am hopeful to get fit writing back in as soon as that happens! Thanks for the patience. Will work on the next HoD chapter as well as a couple little surprises ❤️


@Hoseokiiss i get that, thank you for updating us. Love your work and dedication, I hope things do start to get better for you 


@Hoseokiiss I love your story's hope you can get enough rest time and take care of yourself ☺️


It has been about a year or two that I have read "Beastly Beauty," and I tell you the story is still one of my favorites. It's been in my head ever since I read it. The story was incredibly interesting and very well thought out. I wish it was an actual book so I could have a hard copy of it, to be honest. The way the author put dancing as the main thing in the book was my favorite part about it. Dancing is a big part of my life and although I haven't been able to dance in a while this story made me feel like I was really there and going through everything as if I was in the main characters mind set. I hope to see you, Hoseokiiss, make more books just as good if not better than this one. 


One of the first Wattpad stories I read was Beastly Beauty, and I loved it so much that I immeadiately put The Siren's Curse in my reading list. I finally got around to reading TSC(let's face it, bingeing) and loved it just as much as BB (I often bring it up as an example of a well-done mash-up fanfic). I look forward to maybe seeing something of yours in print! (If Twilight fanfic and Reylo fanfic can get ported to print, you definitely can make it!!!)
          I have your current ongoing MYG in my queue, and look forward to it's completion (yay! You're back!)
          *a billion chef's kisses*