
To my great surprise, Meganovel actually responded and took down the plagiarized Cursewright's Vow. I'm thankful for that, though still unhappy that it ever happened in the first place. 
          	Not sure I want to take CV down here. I see people are still reading it. I'll stew on it for a while. Thanks to those of you who reached out with support; I'm not much of a Wattpadder anymore and was not expecting it.


To my great surprise, Meganovel actually responded and took down the plagiarized Cursewright's Vow. I'm thankful for that, though still unhappy that it ever happened in the first place. 
          Not sure I want to take CV down here. I see people are still reading it. I'll stew on it for a while. Thanks to those of you who reached out with support; I'm not much of a Wattpadder anymore and was not expecting it.


It has come to my attention that Cursewright's Vow has been posted on the website Meganovel. That wasn't me, and I certainly didn't give anyone permission to post it there. I've reached out to Wattpad and they tell me they can't do anything about it. I've DMCA'd Meganovel, but their site is awfully shady, and I'm not sure anything will be done on that end either.
          I wanted to leave Cursewright's Vow here as a matter of preservation: it won a Watty, it's my first crack at a fantasy novel, and a lot of other reasons. Once this issue on Meganovel is dealt with, I fear I'll have to take it down, if only to protect it.
          Watch out for this site, and be aware Wattpad won't be able to help you, and is apparently none too concerned with thieves pirating your work.


Happened to several of my stories as well, but on a site called HDNovel. There seem to be a lot of these leech-sites round these days. Sucks, but I probably will also have to take down several of my stories. Good luck with the takedown request. Please poste how it went down. 
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@mchawkinsauthor I noticed that. They don't even have a DMCA form; you have to send them an email and hope you got the boilerplate right. That and the fact you can only interact with them on Facebook and have to download the app to leave comments does not exactly fill me with confidence.
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@HouseofMourthia According to their site they're celebrating World Book & Copyright Day. You couldn't make it up.
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To say I've loved the curse wright's vow would be an understatement. Is there a sequel though? Where can I find it? 


awww...that's a downer but i'd love to read it wherever you upload :)
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@PhantomSpectra9 I stepped away from Wattpad some time ago, and only left CV up in the interests of preserving the version that received a Watty. The sequel was called "The Veil of Ravens" and was up here for a while, but as I'm pursuing my writing elsewhere (including rewriting CV and VoR alike) it's not currently available. 
            Thank you very much for your interest, though! I'm glad you enjoyed CV as much as you did. I'll make announcements here when new versions are published.
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THE CURSEWRIGHT'S VOW is once again free to read! It will remain here on Wattpad as the original version of the story.  I'm looking forward to a new version of the story becoming available elsewhere in the not-too-distant future. Once it is, I'll be sure to let you know.


@AuthorJMColes It's something I've needed to do for a while. It's a question of finding the correct avenue for my type of writing. This place is not it, for many reasons.
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Why the change of heart ? Just curious. Good luck ❤️
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Best of luck - you write incredible stories and I loved TCV and VOR  thoroughly!  


Veil of Ravens.  I hope you find it, and Happy New Year!
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@kalidog If u don't mind me asking cuz I can't seem to find it......
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After some lengthy consideration, I've decided to draw back from Wattpad the time being, the better to pursue my writing in other arenas and on other platforms. Consequently, THE CURSEWRIGHT'S VOW will be leaving the Paid Stories program in one month, on May 27. I intend to leave the story on Wattpad for awhile, mostly to preserve this original version of it.
          I wish all of you the best.


@HouseofMourthia Wishing you the best as well! Can't wait to see what the future holds for you and your writing.
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Currently re-reading your works and thought,  “Hmm.. let’s see if they are any updates on a possible 3rd novel” only to see this! ):
            Although I’m sad to see you go.. I’m very glad I’ve stumbled across your wonderful novels! They’re rare gems. I do hope whatever you have planned during the time to come goes extremely well!
            Hope to hear from you again! Take care (:
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@HouseofMourthia Post your books on Kindle if you can!  I'd love to have them in my library!
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