
Hello guys, yet another question from yours truly.
          	If you read my most recent books, then you could notice that my writing style changed (for the better, dare I say that I improved)
          	So, a dillema struck my mind : 
          	Should I rewrite Cursed. from the beginning, making it match my improved style ? (The story will stay the same, maybe a few changes here and there)
          	Or should I just keep going with it, with the new style ?
          	Please tell me what you think about that idea.
          	Until then, have a good day/night !


Honestly, I think you should do whatever drains the least amount of your energy


@Incurvat I mean, it's your history, man, and I will read it anyway for the story


@Incurvat You could rewrite it if it improves the quality of the book.


Hello guys, yet another question from yours truly.
          If you read my most recent books, then you could notice that my writing style changed (for the better, dare I say that I improved)
          So, a dillema struck my mind : 
          Should I rewrite Cursed. from the beginning, making it match my improved style ? (The story will stay the same, maybe a few changes here and there)
          Or should I just keep going with it, with the new style ?
          Please tell me what you think about that idea.
          Until then, have a good day/night !


Honestly, I think you should do whatever drains the least amount of your energy


@Incurvat I mean, it's your history, man, and I will read it anyway for the story


@Incurvat You could rewrite it if it improves the quality of the book.


Hey everyone, as you can see, I'm currently writing a DDLC fanfic, because my mind couldn't skip over, as I know that there's not a lot of Male!Reader x Yuri (not complaining, just saying).
          But this message doesn't have any links to Mistakes, after all, even if I'm writing about any story, my mind will go automatically on Cursed.
          I do wish to make this fanfic the best one, almost like a finale of some sorts (although it won't likely be my final work).
          So I was curious about it, seeing that the engagement rate on it is far superior than on Destiny's Link and A Shift of Events. Compared to its views at least. (50K thank you all so much !)
          Why do you like/dislike about Cursed. ? The story ? The characters ? The world building (lmao) ? The Power System ? 
          Please, tell me anything that crosses your mind, fellow readers.
          And once again, thank you all for the support !


@Incurvat The story and the character development of the characters is really good in Cursed, it is a captivating and interesting fic.
            Btw, your form of making storys is fantastic! I'm a huge fan!


Hello there, it's been a while ! Let me update y'all :
            - Got a new PC, finally my 7 years old GTX960 will rest in peace (it litteraly died 2 days after I got my new PC.)
           - My internet just got boosted by fiber (from 500 kb/s to 850MB/s, quite the jump)
           - And lastly, I can manage to write chapters again.
          But I don't know, since during this unannonciated break, I extented the lore of Cursed. 
          And I also want to finish Injustice to set up the second GI story.
          So, I'm faced with several options : 
          1 - Finish Cursed. and focus on GI stories.
          2 - Finish Injustice, then Cursed. and then the second GI story.
          3 - Finish Injustice, create (and maybe finish the second GI story) and then finish Cursed.
          Maybe I need to say this, but the two GI stories will be connected, I won't say more.
          Alright, that's all, see you later ! 
          (It seems that Chapter 41 of Cursed. had a weird thing happened to it, so make sure to not look deeply into it :) )


@Gamegedon900 I'd rather start it over if I want to continue that book to be honest, still can't think of anything for this


@Incurvat welcome back! and also, we still need you to finish the storyshift story


Hello! I just found your account (not rlly ur furina story has been in my reading list for a few days now) and i wanted to say that i absolutely love your writing style, i havent read the furina one but the chara x male reader is probably my favorite thing ive read on this app. I absolutely admire your determination to make the book perfect and i cant wait for when it gets updated (i will wait years if needed its that good) i hope you have a great time in whatever you are currently doing! And i will read the furina one tomorrow, binge reading 41 chapters on a school night is a dumb idea
          Tldr: love your work, keep it up, take as much time as you need, also have a good night/day!


Also just realized all ur stories are chara stories but j was referring to cursed in my original message


I accidentally read the whole furina story  why are your books so good honestly unfair


Hello guys, if I wrote another story about another game (still a Female Character x Male Reader of course) would you read it ?
          You can be honest, that's all I want.
          ((I can ask the same about a original story.))


@Incurvat hey, dude! Just wanna say, your writing is actually good lol. You don't see very good writing here, (usually) so props to that. Also, I'm definitely gonna read that just because it's not Undertale dosent mean your Writing will plumet lol. Keep up the good work.