
Hello there 
          	New story alert!
          	I've published my first story on wattpad.
          	The first author's note is up.
          	Please do read, share, vote and comment on the story!
          	And follow me @Isha_Rajpurohit and add the story in your reading lists , so you don't miss on the updates and stuff!
          	Lots of marshmallows to you <33


Hey! I'll be really grateful if you would check out my books. The titles are
          The concept are really different not typical
          My Saviour
          Tattoo Artist
          The New Girl
          Hope you have a nice day
          The concept are really different not typical


Hi there, I stumbled across your profile after noticing we had similar tastes in books! My name is Jana and I’m a romantic comedy writer. I’m relatively new to the wattpad world and working on reaching out to people. I’m sort of passing out “virtual flyers” for my novel, Stolen Heart, and so thought I’d drop one here. Feel free to ignore or toss it away if you’re uninterested!! Appreciate your time ♥️
          Xoxo, Jana


Thanks so much! I appreciate it and hope you enjoy it ♥️


@JSPRomComs Hey there!
            I'll definitely read your book, it's plot sounds very exciting. ❤️
            Maybe in a day or two!



Hello fellow readers ✨✨
          If you guys have followed me because of my reading lists......then ....(drum roll) ...i am happy to announce that I'll start posting my own creations on this platform on my writer's account @Isha_Rajpurohit !!!!
          My stories will be based on the tropes that I usually read or want to read.
          I hope you guys follow that account ^_^
          I promise you won't be disappointed ! 
          Please  tell your friends on wattpad to follow @Isha_Rajpurohit too 
          I'll be posting my first story here very soon!
          Thanks a lot


p.s. what type of stories do you wanna read?
            I'd be thrilled to hear about them !