
Alright everyone, the rewrite of chapter three is up and more is to come for my fellow rereaders. This should be fun. I have a quite a few things I want to do, and I obviously want to spruce up the fight scenes. But, don't worry the main story is still priority.
          	Have fun and thanks for your support and great comments.


Alright everyone, the rewrite of chapter three is up and more is to come for my fellow rereaders. This should be fun. I have a quite a few things I want to do, and I obviously want to spruce up the fight scenes. But, don't worry the main story is still priority.
          Have fun and thanks for your support and great comments.


Just out of curiosity (I'm was going to wait till you finished writing everything to reread the story but decided against it) how many chapters are revised before after the prologue it doesn't specify


@Iteza_8 ah alright thanks for the info, just asking because while I like the original story (didn't notice anything off) I wanted to read it how you wished it to be if that makes any sense 


@The_God_of_Chaos Hey, so far it's just the two chapters after the prologue (the chapter three rewrite just went up). Have fun rereading, and I hope you'll stick around for the rest of it to be spruced up.


Hey guys,
          I just want to first say thank you for your continued patience. I know a chapter was supposed to drop over the holidays, but it didn't end up work out. College has been feeling like I've been strapped to a rocket, but it's finally cooling down.
          I have four chapters in the works and two rewrites. Two main storyline and two In Greyscale, for those that like it, so give me some time and they should come out soon. I'm hoping for today but inow promises.
          Also, just so I know what to make a priority. Give me your opinion on the In Greyscale chapters. 
          I hope to deliver chapters soon and I hope your day or night goes well.


@-_help_me- though I'd like to see how the main story progresses 


@Iteza_8  can't wait to see the new chapters. Loving grayscale chapters and the relationship between black and white 


I love the In Greyscale chapters. I enjoy seeing the dynamic between Black and White since it’s evident that they have very different perspectives on things, which explains a major reason why White ended up betraying him. We know that things didn’t end up working out between the two, but they don’t know that. The disconnect between what ended up happening and what they (mostly Black) chose to do in the In Greyscale chapters is entertainingly tragic. Thank you for writing the In Greyscale chapters.


Happy Holidays everyone! 
          I hope your home's weather is treating you well, and you are all safe with your loved ones (family, found family, or otherwise). I am working on an update that I would like to drop tomorrow at the earliest. I've been waiting for my own favorite stories to update, so I would definitely like to do the same for you guys. So, hold it and enjoy the rest of your holiday, and if the holidays haven't been the best know that a new year is just around the corner.
          With cheer and great blessings, Iteza


thank you for the kind words, and i also hope you enjoy the holiday


Hey everyone, 
          I know what I said last time, but definitely expect something this weekend. School has been weighing everything down more than I anticipated. So, I'm sorry nothing has come out. Right now I'm working on the next In Greyscale chapter right now. That should come out with two to three rewritten chapters. The next chapter is episode based, so I ask for your patience with that.
          Also, since Carnelian won the pole last time. I'll be working on that special chapter. I'm focusing on Amethyst and Carnelian having some type of chaotic hangout as suggested in chapter 64. So, I'm open to suggestions on what chaos will ensue. Post it in the replies below please.
          Again thank you for your patience, Iteza
          P.S. I can't believe we've been going on this long. I truly thought I'd be finished by now. But, I'm still having fun with this, and I hope you are too. I look forward to my next project. I have so many ideas.


Hey it’s fine. As a fellow writer, trust that most people understand. School can be so overwhelming. Focus on that first and you can come back. It’s not giving up, it’s listing priorities and coming back to things that aren’t the most important at the moment. We’re rooting for you! 


@Iteza_8 A type of graffiti spree, painting the town carnelian and Amethyst? Just an idea.


Hey everybody,
          I hope you guys are doing well. I just wanted to let you know that writing for updates will begin again on Monday or Tuesday. If there are any questions I'll answer them when I get to them. 
          Sleep well. Have a nice day or night, and see you soon.


@S27525161 Thanks. I'll get to that when I have the chance.


You can put it back on ongoing apparently the person that started the rumor lied about it.


@Iteza_8 ok np really  love your story, and appreciate all the stuff you have to do to keep it up and going. Wish you the best and keep up the awesome work.


Hello everyone,
          I am alive and well, just very busy. To anyone that hasn't seen or got to the notes in the new chapters here's the announcement. For those that have seen and read the new chapters I hoped you enjoyed them, and if you liked them I would love to here your thoughts.
          So down to business. 
          The new chapters have been posted without art due to time constraints. 
          This update package includes the revision of Prologue(Ch. 1) and Ch. 2. If you really enjoy my writing and are look for more detail I highly recommend reading them. They have important differences, and as always I would love to know what you think. If you choose to read them. 
          What it also include are two new chapters to the story as well as one special chapter. I'm trying something new with the special chapter. 
          So, let me know if you would like me to continue writing the side story.
          As always I hope your day has been well or is at the very least getting better.


@Iteza_8 Welcome back! it's been awhile, I'm glad your doing okay :)
            I'd honestly would give anything your write a try, I mean you are an amazing writer afterall. So take your time, and do your best :D


@S27525161 Thanks for letting me know.


Nice to hear for you, but just want to warn you, Wattpad is currently acting up and deleting stories that are not completed so you might wanna mark your story as completed just in case