
Hey, folks!
          	Chasing Lights is finished. The Epilogue is out. 
          	Excuse me while I go be an emotional mess as I try to process this whole book and the journey it took me on. 
          	No need to be too sad though, cause more is coming. A spin-off is on its way, just stay patient. 
          	Lots of love as always.


@Jane4Rain good ive been on a wattpad break so im glad i have another goodie of yours to binge read while your away at work at the next thing


Time to binge read @Jane4Rain


@Jane4Rain can't believe it's over.  But looking forward to what's coming. Hope all is well with you. Xoxo


Hey I haven’t been on here for so long so I apologize if this is a stupid question but is Crossing Lines no longer on Amazon? I was going through my goodreads and saw the book and I was reminded that I wanted to buy it but when I looked on Amazon it wasn’t there


Hey! I’ve been pretty absent also, so no worries. Crossing Lines was removed from Amazon last May because it entered the wattpad paid stories program. It will be removed from the program soon but it won’t go back on Amazon for now - maybe in the future! Who knows ‍♀️ I’ll let you all know for sure. 