
Tomorrow is Saturday! Update day! First chapter of Bonded to the Warg is going live Saturday, June 1, 2024, 12:00 AM EDT


Hi Jeanine, I have problems with wattpad and cant buy coins to read the last chapters op Captive of the Warg, the system shows can I support you and retrieve the last chapters of the book?


@BelindaHullBrink Gah! You made me so happy! Thank you! And thank you for the beautiful feedback. I so appreciate you.


            Thank you Jeanine, by some luck the problem was sorted and I could buy coins.....I just had to finish the book and I just loved it every step of the way!!!
            Thank you for taking me on  a adventure of fantacy!
            I read alot of wolf books with a everyday catch to it, but this was something out of the odinary....


@BelindaHullBrink I can’t tell on my end when it’s supposed to release 


Tomorrow is Saturday! Update day! First chapter of Bonded to the Warg is going live Saturday, June 1, 2024, 12:00 AM EDT


Hey author, I have a proposition for you. I mean, do you mind completing a novel written by a different author? Please do not take offense. I do not mean to insult you by saying this. I merely suggested this because I think you will be able to do more justice to the story than the original author herself. It had a quite catchy and compelling plot but it was abandoned after initial 4-5 chapters and the author is not active on any platform since several years. So if you alter the story with a few slight modifications and complete the novel, I think, it will be a great addition to your works. That novel had a great potential but the author left the readers in a cliffhanger. If you are interested do let me know. I will reply accordingly and share more details.


@JeanineCroft no I couldn't communicate with the author. Actually the author is not active on that platform and several years have passed since the novel was last updated. The story goes by the name " The Luna of Rogues " by queenrayrig and it is on Inkitt. The description is not that eye catching but trust me the story is quite captivating.


@Ladyinblack_111 I take no offense, and I appreciate that you esteem my talent enough to want me to finish an abandoned book you love. That’s very sweet of you. Have you tried to reach out to the author in question? Have they really abandoned the story? Much as I love your faith me, I do believe that no one will tell the story better than its creator. Send me the author’s name and I’ll reach out to them to add my humble weight to the petition for them to revive their story.


          Could you please release the last chapter of captive of the warg! I have been dying to read it! Thank you!


Wattpad has control of that. I’m under contract with them and I’m not even allowed to change my cover. Sorry! I’m sure it’ll release soon


Check out Mated To The Warg’s new cover ;) I’ll change Captive Of The Warg, too, once Wattpad allows me (just waiting on their response to my request). Right now I’m working on Book 3’s cover (Bonded To The Warg). Chapters start uploading in May. I’ll only commit to one chapter a week. If I can stick to that, I’ll consider 2 a week. Last year was, in a word, hellish. I went through the fire (so to speak). But the good thing about tragedies and failures is that they make you stronger. Like doing weights—doing hard things exercises and grows muscles you never knew you had. I feel invincible this year, despite thieving book pirates trolls. 
          Have a blessed week, my darkling! 


Oh!! Thank you!! I can’t wait!! I just love your writing! 


When can we expect sequels of lair of beasts and vampire bride?


Mated to the Warg is currently plagiarized (STOLEN) and being sold on Amazon. Currently as “Mated To The Warg Of The Outland” in Amazon Asia/au. Main character names are changed but they’re my words exactly and my plot etc. kind of pathetic to sell intellectual property that’s currently free on Wattpad.  
          I’m having to continuously chase this and shut down book pirates. Very frustrating and I have no idea how they got my manuscript in the first place.
          Which makes me very wary of publishing any new books in the series here. As soon as my contract with Wattpad is up, I’m considering removal of Captive of the Warg. I’m trying not to be reactive, but I’m not the only Wattpad author who has had their books stolen here. 
          I truly hate to punish all the honest fans out there by removing my works here, so I will think on this for a few weeks. Very sad that psychopathic internet trolls even exist. 
          Thank you to those of you who have alerted me. To stolen property floating around on Amazon.


@JeanineCroft oh my gosh thats terrible! I really enjoyed that book and even reread it after you edited. 
            Im so sorry. People can be so awful sometimes