
Chapter Twenty-Five of On the Way Down just went live! Find out what Phoenix has to say about his four-day vanishing act and if Del buys into it. Read it here:


It's been a minute, I know. The last couple of months of 2023 had a ton going on! I'm back to writing and catching up with my characters in both On the Way Down and Love Fool (Season 2 of One Night Only). A challenge I've been having with OTWD is what I'd planned for chapter 22 versus the vibe I'm feeling with it. That could have a breakthrough today, or I'm also toying around with changing course with it a bit and diving right into where I really want to get to, which would help get things unstuck, even if it means glossing over a "date day" for Del and Phoenix. Mostly, please know that I will be updating both of these, and they aren't abandoned, even if it's been a while since the last chapter updates.
          Hope 2024 is treating everyone incredibly well!


ICYMI over the weekend, Chapter Twenty-One of ON THE WAY DOWN was published! Please use the direct link below if you had an update notification on the weekend and then only saw as far as Chapter Twenty, because sometimes there is what I think might be a cache issue that happens (especially in the iOS app) and you don't always see the latest chapter when accessing from the notification or your library.
          Catch up with the latest OTWD installment here:
          Chapter updates should be more frequent again now as things have settled down a bit in life and I have my writing schedule back on track.


ON THE WAY DOWN Chapter Twenty will be out this week, I promise! It’s been delayed, I know. Something to do with an epic summer over here and not being home very much. Now that I’m looking ahead to autumn, back to writing. Here’s a sneak peek at a favorite line from the upcoming chapter: “Two souls made of stardust finding their way home.”


Chapter Nineteen of ON THE WAY DOWN just went live! Thank you for your patience. I tried to write this chapter during flights to and from Romania a couple of weeks ago, and something about it wasn't coming together the way I wanted it to. Then after I got back to LA, a song came on the radio that gave me the missing pieces I needed. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Read it here: