
As someone with bad anxiety, at my worst I tried everything to ease it and it always felt so crippling. Now that I understand my anxiety a little better, I just always try to make sure it doesn’t run my life. Every time I get anxiety about something no matter how big or small, I make myself do that thing that’s giving me anxiety. That way I can show myself it wasn’t anything to be anxious about and to know that anxiety cannot control my life. I don’t let my anxiety stop me from doing things I love or need to do anymore. Of course some days if it’s too overwhelming, I do allow myself a day to relax and recoup. Don’t let your anxiety control you. It’s all mental and you’re in total control of you and your actions. Free will means you don’t have to do or put up with anything you don’t want to. Just take everything one day at a time. Once you learn your triggers and how to better manage it, life gets just a little easier. (‘:


@MegaFolder absolutely! Nothing but love here you take care of yourself, okay! I’ll be right here when you get back <3


@Jiminttrash thanks for being with me always,love you and take care . I am leaving wattpad for some months but I will come back  :)) meanwhile take care of yourself ♡♡♡


Author can you please recommend me one of your works I am confused what to read..


@Jiminttrash ok then I will read those


@MegaFolder thanks I will try reading it ....


@Sra_Saby  then the boy in love and girl in love series!! 


Heyy,,I gonna call you angel because first of the angel wing you use in your profile second because you really have angel nature : )),,anyway how are you doing angel??What about your work and job??Anythin new ??I think fairy sounds good for your name,,so fairy how everything is going ???


No need you deserve more than it ^-^


@MegaFolder thank you I appreciate that!


Don't lose hope fairy,,you gonna get your golden chance soon ,,I am making a Wish for you to got all your dreams comes true 
            : )) Stay cheery and don't take stress ,,we are here for you : )))


As someone with bad anxiety, at my worst I tried everything to ease it and it always felt so crippling. Now that I understand my anxiety a little better, I just always try to make sure it doesn’t run my life. Every time I get anxiety about something no matter how big or small, I make myself do that thing that’s giving me anxiety. That way I can show myself it wasn’t anything to be anxious about and to know that anxiety cannot control my life. I don’t let my anxiety stop me from doing things I love or need to do anymore. Of course some days if it’s too overwhelming, I do allow myself a day to relax and recoup. Don’t let your anxiety control you. It’s all mental and you’re in total control of you and your actions. Free will means you don’t have to do or put up with anything you don’t want to. Just take everything one day at a time. Once you learn your triggers and how to better manage it, life gets just a little easier. (‘:


@MegaFolder absolutely! Nothing but love here you take care of yourself, okay! I’ll be right here when you get back <3


@Jiminttrash thanks for being with me always,love you and take care . I am leaving wattpad for some months but I will come back  :)) meanwhile take care of yourself ♡♡♡


Author I love your work. And recently I have been noticing that a lot of writers books are getting deleted so I just wanted informe you about that. If you want to publish your books on another platform please use Inkitt , for me it’s way better than AO3 but do as you please :) <3


People that don’t even follow me really come out of their way to post their stories to my board with zero consent. Some people seriously just have no respect and they wonder why they get blocked lmao 


@LUVLUVG That's awesome, I'm glad!!


@Jiminttrash thank you I had a lot of fun at my partyyy


Got the job girl???  (✿ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)⁾⁾


@MegaFolder  I make a wish for you so that you can get the job as soon as possible with a lovely environment and high salary too ;)) 
            ,don't take stress and feel down,,I can understand you because I am going through same circumstances but we gonna get everything under our control no matter what happen ... love you and take care and don't work too much ,,,, ♡♡♡♡


@MegaFolder I still haven’t heard anything back); but on the application sight it still says in progress and another says under consideration so ): 


this message may be offensive
I’m trying to leave my current job bcuz they don’t acknowledge my hard work at all and gave me a terrible raise right after telling me I had the best numbers and I do the best and how much of a team player I am, so fuck that place I gtg lmao I applied for a job that I really want so fingers crossed they get back to me!! Wish me luck ! 


@Jiminttrash all the best babe! May you get a happy environment job and a boss with a jolly mood 


@dingchi I’ll be happier once I can get one lol


I’m seeing one of my fav artists in concert tonight and I’m so excited!! I’m not a huge concert girly but I just couldn’t pass this up bcuz I’ve loved his music so long so I’m excited! 


@MegaFolder yesss those songs are amazing! I swear every song he has is so good he’s legit the best. And he truly does deserve a bigger following than he has! He sounds exactly the same in person too, he’s truly an amazing artist ❤️


@Jiminttrash meanwhile I am jamming on hate me now and pumpkin pie,,,even my friends also like it,,Ryan seriously deserves more :((


@MegaFolder  yes ofc he’s the best!! I can’t even recommend songs bcuz all of his songs are so good I can’t pick just one. But def daisies and bubbles! Those are my main two go tos but all of his songs are the best! 