
Hello everyone! Okay, don't be mad at me, I know I never finished She's the Lie, I'M SORRY. I think I grew so much as a person and a writer that I never really had the inspiration. I'm glad you all enjoyed it though and I hope it meant as much to you as it did to me. I like to think that Isla and Emelie found each other in the end as they always seem to do. I wrote this story as a little baby gay who really just wanted to be heard and seen and to write what I never seemed to find in books when I was younger. I want you all to know that this book changed my life. I mean, as a kid I always wanted to be a writer but I never thought I could. Because of this dumb website, I was able to come to terms with myself and grow as a person. I even was able to pursue the dreams that had always been in the back of my mind.
          	Anyways, I really want to share this inspiration and motivation with others so I have opted to spend my gap year with a volunteering charity teaching young children in Thailand, English. I have so much love for words and the language that allowed me to write my first ever book so I only thought it fitting that I pass this on to others. And some of you may be a little annoyed that I interrupted your day with my meaningless nonsense but this is something I'm so passionate and excited about so deal with it, I suppose. Unfortunately, trips like this are expensive. I'm not sure how much of the community I've built on this website is still around but if you are and have even a pound or two to spare I would appreciate it so much. The links are down below but I hope you all have a wonderful day and if you have any questions about the book or anything else leave them here and I will get back to you :)
          	About the charity: https://projecttrust.org.uk/about-project-trust/


Hello everyone! Okay, don't be mad at me, I know I never finished She's the Lie, I'M SORRY. I think I grew so much as a person and a writer that I never really had the inspiration. I'm glad you all enjoyed it though and I hope it meant as much to you as it did to me. I like to think that Isla and Emelie found each other in the end as they always seem to do. I wrote this story as a little baby gay who really just wanted to be heard and seen and to write what I never seemed to find in books when I was younger. I want you all to know that this book changed my life. I mean, as a kid I always wanted to be a writer but I never thought I could. Because of this dumb website, I was able to come to terms with myself and grow as a person. I even was able to pursue the dreams that had always been in the back of my mind.
          Anyways, I really want to share this inspiration and motivation with others so I have opted to spend my gap year with a volunteering charity teaching young children in Thailand, English. I have so much love for words and the language that allowed me to write my first ever book so I only thought it fitting that I pass this on to others. And some of you may be a little annoyed that I interrupted your day with my meaningless nonsense but this is something I'm so passionate and excited about so deal with it, I suppose. Unfortunately, trips like this are expensive. I'm not sure how much of the community I've built on this website is still around but if you are and have even a pound or two to spare I would appreciate it so much. The links are down below but I hope you all have a wonderful day and if you have any questions about the book or anything else leave them here and I will get back to you :)
          About the charity: https://projecttrust.org.uk/about-project-trust/


When will u be back


@Kimperfect27  hope u get better I really loved she's the enemy and I hope even that one day u may finish the sequel in any case, hope u get better to write more stories 
            I also like the sound tracks u put in each chapter 


@Kimperfect27 I'll be honest, I'm not too sure I ever will be. I'd like to finish off She's the Lie but I don't really have the time or motivation at the moment. For now, due to personal and medical reasons, I would say not for a while if ever. Sorry to those waiting for an update, hopefully you can use your imagination to dream up an ending better than anything I could ever write. I will always be writing though, I am currently working on a sapphic novel I intend to get published so if that ever does happen I will definitely let everyone know :) <3


Hey. So I'm back and I've set myself another deadline so we know this won't end well but anyways. I have been working on a book I hope to get published but I will try to update when I can. Thank you so so much for 200 followers. It's thanks to your support I've found the motivation to continue writing.
          But, in other news, a new She's the Lie chapter is out which starts to explain a few things so I hope you enjoy and thank you all again :)


Dear author,
          You have the best book I've ever had she's the enemy is one of my favorites, never stop writing because I know you have the great potential in writing that buried deep inside your mind, keep it up! You still have lot of great stories to write in the feature I'll be waiting.
          ~ piscesleaf


@PiscesLeaf  Thank you so much! I'm currently in the process of writing a fantasy book in which I hope to be able to publish which I why I'm not writing much on here. But it means so much to me that you enjoyed my book, thank you for giving it the chance, wishing you all the best <3