
Hey guys. I know I know I haven’t logged in in forever and a half. And I’m so sorry. But I needed quite a long break to get my mojo back. 
          	As many of you know I started writing these stories when I was 16 and it’s been quite a few years since then. I’ve grown and learned more things. I’ve also been inspired by different forms of media. 
          	I really do want to come back to writing, you have all been so supportive and kind and I want to give you guys the best stories I can. Because of that I’m going to be writing a revamp of ‘Dragon Heart’ many of your guises favorite book. Even though that is a really fun book I want to dive into the planet and culture more, along with making some tweaks to the main character. And I also want to make her a little older so it’s not as weird. 
          	It won’t be up for a while because I want to write a bit of it before putting it online to make sure I like it. 
          	Thank you all for your support! I’m lucky to have people like you reading my stories. I hope you will like what I have to offer in the future! 


@KSeasong it’s OK  take all the time you need in the world :-) hugs :-) just  you don’t push yourself too hard


@KSeasong ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hey guys. I know I know I haven’t logged in in forever and a half. And I’m so sorry. But I needed quite a long break to get my mojo back. 
          As many of you know I started writing these stories when I was 16 and it’s been quite a few years since then. I’ve grown and learned more things. I’ve also been inspired by different forms of media. 
          I really do want to come back to writing, you have all been so supportive and kind and I want to give you guys the best stories I can. Because of that I’m going to be writing a revamp of ‘Dragon Heart’ many of your guises favorite book. Even though that is a really fun book I want to dive into the planet and culture more, along with making some tweaks to the main character. And I also want to make her a little older so it’s not as weird. 
          It won’t be up for a while because I want to write a bit of it before putting it online to make sure I like it. 
          Thank you all for your support! I’m lucky to have people like you reading my stories. I hope you will like what I have to offer in the future! 


@KSeasong it’s OK  take all the time you need in the world :-) hugs :-) just  you don’t push yourself too hard


@KSeasong ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Awesome stories (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)


It’s OK I understand and sorry for not responding.  :)  Been pretty busy.


I’ve never had any sort of story requests, but I’m not exactly opposed to the idea. I suppose if I had time and the request intrigued me I could see myself doing a few. I hope that was a helpful answer 


            Hey if you don't mind me asking do you do story requests (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)


I absolutely love your httyd based one!!!!!!! I love avengers and httyd and I rlly like the whole story in general. I hope to become as good as you at some point in life…….


@Frostfire-Speedstar dito! I have been considering making a story around this theme! I was so happy when I saw it!


Awe thank you so much! That means a lot. And I’m sure with practice you can become even better then me. Just keep it up! 


Hi, KSeasong! I was wondering if I borrowed your concept of (Y/n)s powers in A dragon riders heart? I absolutely loved the idea of sharing powers with a Nightfury and wanted to make a book of my own with it. I will not start my book until I get permission from you, and my Y/n in my new book will be like a gender bent Hiccup, style and emotional development wise. Take your time with your answer if you're not sure!


I am so sorry for the late answer, I’ve been taking a break from writing so I haven’t opened this app in forever. To answer your question, of course you can use it! I will be thrilled. I’m sure I wasn’t the first person to think of this concept and I will not be the last. Thank you so much for asking though! 


Hiya, love your dragon rider story. I was wondering if you were still updating it?


@KSeasong ah ok, well I am glad to hear it. No rush :)


Thank you. I’m glad you liked it. I’m planning on updating it but I don’t know when I will be able to get around to writing again. 


Just uploaded the first chapter to my newest story “The Cursed Valkyrie” 
          If your interested go check it out. 


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@KSeasong i just fucking alive and adore your work. And i have been following you since last year but it gets slightly taxing to wait an entire year to get the next 2 chapter of a storyline so amazing that you just can't ditch it. I would be ever grateful if you finished the previous works before starting am entirely new one just to leave it hanging


Hi KSeasong, I just finished reading 
          Your book 'Loki's Country girl' and absolutely loved it. I'm sad to see that has ended so soon, but was wondering if you would be ok with me using the idea for a story of my own. It wont be the exact same as that wouldn't be right, and obviously I'd write it in my own way with my own storyline. I'd credit you for the idea and link or tag you in it ( that is if I can figure out how to do that). It is 100% ok if your not comfortable with the idea. 
                         Have an absolutely stellar day/night


Hello The QuantumShadow, 
            Thank you so much for your kind words, I’m glad you enjoyed the story. And of course you can use my idea for a story, as long as you credit me for my idea I have absolutely no problem with it. I’m honored that it gave you inspiration to write your own story. Thank you so much for asking my permission. It means a lot. I would also love to read it when it’s out, so just let me know when you post it.❤️