
「It is no longer the era of battleships. From now on, airplanes are the mainstay of the Navy.」
          	New Release: Aviation-Centric Combined Fleet (航空主兵の連合艦隊)
          	Which one is it? The doctrine of big ships and big guns or perhaps air power?
          	The power struggle within the Navy, however, takes an unexpected turn. Due to a certain individual’s change of heart, it is not the mainstream gunnery faction but rather the aviators, which was supposed to be a minor player, that emerges victorious.
          	Looking ahead to the post-disarmament treaty era, under the Circle 3 Plan, the Imperial Navy constructs four armored aircraft carriers and plunges into a conflict with the United States.
          	Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/358242715-aviation-centric-combined-fleet
          	Status: Complete
          	Tags: Alternate History, Historical Fiction, Warfare


I don't know if you accept recommendations but if you can, could you translate a summoning japan fic called
          Japan, enemy of the new world by creator zero.
          I don't know if you want a link but this is just a request.
          Keep up the good work, love the translated fics, have a good day.


@dragonoid91 is it alright if I can have a link to that fic? it's fine if you can't


@KageNishi Just finish an arc and upload it,
            Using google to translate is just giving me a difficult time.
            So I'd rather let you do the translating, since your certified.


Can you translate NHS that collab with Azur Lane?
          I remember it's in syoyetsu thou.


@epiceratos Can you give me a link of that NHS x Azur Lane fic


I think so.
            If that story already surpassed the parpladia arc or at least around it (more than twenty chapters)
            (as I remember stand if I'm not wrong, there scene of remille and Ludius felt sick)
            then it is.


          Can you try translating the story
          "The violent magic empire confronts the earth nation"
          and resuming the story
          "Annihilation Fleet: The Three-Star Counterattack"
          The First story is a Japan Summon/Japan Summoning Fanfic in which the Ravernal Empire was summoned on Earth and fought against the entire world and got defeated badly
          The First Chapter of the Second Story was already translated by you and I merely want to file a request for the continued translation of the entire story. I actually already finished reading the entire story and I quite enjoyed the story though I was annoyed that I had to continuously use Google Translate to read the story though with the Internet Connection in the part of my country I am currently living in being slow as heck it sometimes either fail to translate at all or takes nearly 15 minutes to fully translate as such I would really appreciate if you did finish the translation


            Try translating this story
            The Villain's 15-Year War ~Reincarnated in Pre-War Japan?! If things continue like this, there's no point in avoiding the destruction flag!!~
            悪役令嬢の十五年戦争 ~転生先は戦前の日本?! このままじゃあ破滅フラグを回避しても駄目じゃない!!~
            Katsumi Fuso


            Regarding the translation of the story "Annihilation Fleet: The Three-Star Counterattack" will you also be translating and the extra seven chapters of the story?


Hi KageNishi are you by chance aware of the new guidelines Wattpad will be establishing tomorrow? Apparently stories featuring characters engaging in sexual activities while under the age of 18 will be deleted. I think your stories should be fine as I never saw anything of the sort with any of your stories.


Hey there! Wow, I just read your book, and I'm absolutely blown away. I've been scouring through tons of underrated authors in the fantasy genre, but yours really caught my eye!
          I can't wait for more of your writing, seriously. Also, if you have a moment, would you mind taking a look at my dark fantasy/ dark romance work, "The Captive Of Qaranliq"? No pressure at all, but I'd really appreciate any feedback you might have. Thanks a bunch, either way!


          Can you find or know of a story which involves a modern day person reincarnating or possessing the Showa Emperor similar to the French King Story in your profiles


@Leviathan1914 From what I can see it's hard to find smth like that because of the taboo regarding Japanese Emperors but maybe there's one oddball or two out there