
Hi there!
          	I pulled a lot of work last year, and there’s a lot I probably won’t repost, but I’ve decided to bring back Hockey Pucks & Pixie Dust and my poetry collection. I’m probably never going to query Hockey Pucks, and I don’t see myself going into poetry as a professional interest. 
          	Why am I wishy washy? Why do I pull things so much?
          	Mm, I think it’s more because I’m constantly considering options and goals. I’m always pushing myself harder to reach greater heights. And I love Wattpad—I got my start here, and I’m too attached to the community to ever leave. But Wattpad feels lonely these days. No newsfeed, forums or dms. No way to connect with the community as a whole. 
          	I’m always there though. I might be traditionally published, but you’re all my family who let me be pretty, ugly, and myself in between. I love you all for that. 
          	I hope you’re all well and safe this weekend. ❤️


Sigh! Autocorrect did it again! The removal of the Pam's ... that should be PM's. Apologies for those named Pam! 
जवाब दें


@Kaiddance I agree too, but I have this inkling that it's the trolls of Wattpad to blame. As you are an active ambassador my friend you might understand. All the chaos in the past made it what WP is now. Well, can't say that for everything like the removal of the Pam's, but if u remember the forums/pub, the take down was during the era of all those arguments going on via Pandemic. It's bound to happen. I feel "those trolls really messed us up". There was a joke on Twitter/ Elon Musk's X/ or as I call it Roman numeral 10 LOL ... 'Back in the days when we were kids, we were told trolls lived under a bridge. Where have they gone? Answer: They moved to the Internet these days!' LOL 
          	  Yes, I'll also remain here until something "terribly wrong" happens. Keeping my fingers crossed that during the November election all is peaceful and not a headache. I mentally broke down last time. Destructive People don't realize all the foolish things they do can affect others. Whatever happened to the saying "Think before you act." It went through one ear and out the other. Tsk. Tsk.
जवाब दें


@Kaiddance  perfectly understandable. Plans change...
जवाब दें


I'm so glad you've been enjoying Chaos. It was such a fun little story to write!


It’s been in my library forever, and I’ve always wanted to finish this! It’s so much fun! 
जवाब दें


Hi there!
          I pulled a lot of work last year, and there’s a lot I probably won’t repost, but I’ve decided to bring back Hockey Pucks & Pixie Dust and my poetry collection. I’m probably never going to query Hockey Pucks, and I don’t see myself going into poetry as a professional interest. 
          Why am I wishy washy? Why do I pull things so much?
          Mm, I think it’s more because I’m constantly considering options and goals. I’m always pushing myself harder to reach greater heights. And I love Wattpad—I got my start here, and I’m too attached to the community to ever leave. But Wattpad feels lonely these days. No newsfeed, forums or dms. No way to connect with the community as a whole. 
          I’m always there though. I might be traditionally published, but you’re all my family who let me be pretty, ugly, and myself in between. I love you all for that. 
          I hope you’re all well and safe this weekend. ❤️


Sigh! Autocorrect did it again! The removal of the Pam's ... that should be PM's. Apologies for those named Pam! 
जवाब दें


@Kaiddance I agree too, but I have this inkling that it's the trolls of Wattpad to blame. As you are an active ambassador my friend you might understand. All the chaos in the past made it what WP is now. Well, can't say that for everything like the removal of the Pam's, but if u remember the forums/pub, the take down was during the era of all those arguments going on via Pandemic. It's bound to happen. I feel "those trolls really messed us up". There was a joke on Twitter/ Elon Musk's X/ or as I call it Roman numeral 10 LOL ... 'Back in the days when we were kids, we were told trolls lived under a bridge. Where have they gone? Answer: They moved to the Internet these days!' LOL 
            Yes, I'll also remain here until something "terribly wrong" happens. Keeping my fingers crossed that during the November election all is peaceful and not a headache. I mentally broke down last time. Destructive People don't realize all the foolish things they do can affect others. Whatever happened to the saying "Think before you act." It went through one ear and out the other. Tsk. Tsk.
जवाब दें


@Kaiddance  perfectly understandable. Plans change...
जवाब दें


Hi! I was looking for the book Hockey pucks and pixie dust but can't find it. Have you taken it down?


Heyyy just letting you know that title has been reported. After some reflection, I know I won’t query that story. It was fun to write but I have too many other projects to edit. I’m sorry for all that inconvenience but I am glad you seemed to enjoy that story. Take care. ❤️
जवाब दें


I’ve got it pulled for now in draft format. On one hand, I could probably never query it, but on the other, it wasn’t getting a lot of reads. I miss the old Wattpad where it was easier to find amazing readers such as yourself. It’s been so lonely here, it’s hard to know if people enjoy my work. 
            I might eventually repost it, but I would need to fix a couple of plot holes and expand. 


          @OwlieCat and I have updated A Mischievous Tale of Magical Mayhem! Ben hears a noise that goes bump in the dark, and Tallon tests Ben's capabilities.
          Find out what happens here: https://www.wattpad.com/1442345969-a-mischievous-tale-of-magical-mayhem-3-a-new-ally


Hello Hello!
          @OwlieCat and I have posted the first chapter of the Deadwood Zone for A Miscievous Tale of Magical Mayhem! The party lands in a desolate land and decides which path to take toward Ardensfall.
          Find out what happens here: https://www.wattpad.com/1441152735-a-mischievous-tale-of-magical-mayhem-1-starlight
          In other news, I have adopted the High Fantasy profile after it was released from Ambassadors. I have opened a community discord server to bring all the High Fantasy fans over, and my intentions are to keep the community rooted *in* the community, and not to myself. I welcome you all to join, share ideas, and have fun as I continue to work behind the scenes and update the reading lists while brainstorming other ideas for community engagement.
          You can find the link here: https://discord.gg/bC7a2vQet3
          In other news, Queen of Water came out of paperback, and I am VERY excited. It looks so good! If you haven't seen it yet, you should head over to my Instagram (Kaiddance), check it out, and see what you think. I'm finding a fantastic groove for Six of Air (a year and a half later), and I'm so excited to get the rest of the series rolling. People can say whatever they want about Wattpad (goodness knows I have my own grievances), but Queen of Water and the rest of the series wouldn't exist without this platform where I got my start.
          Happy Thursday and happy questing!


Guess whatttttt? A new chapter — A Murky
          Past—has been posted for A Mischievous Tale of Magical Mayhem! Are y’all excited for the next upcoming zone! We are thrilled! But first, we promised y’all a bonus story for the most voted upon character. If you wanna see whose past we wrote about, go check it out on our profile, @KaiddanceAndOwliecat ❤️


Congrats to everyone who progressed through Round 2 of ONC! It's a great feeling every year to go through the ONC book and congratulate everyone while skimming the lists. It's almost like opening presents on Christmas or your birthday.
          Just to clarify my announcement from yesterday: I'm not leaving Wattpad altogether. I've pulled anything not under contract so I can continue publishing through traditional avenues.
          However, Zombie Soap 3 will continue; I've started it, and I'm not about to leave the readers hanging, and it's under contract. Undergrounders and Overlanders are also still under contract, so if I start writing Overlanders, those stories will remain here on Wattpad. I'd thought about querying that series, but that's lightyears from now. It's unedited, and there is still so much story to tell.
          OwlieCat and I will keep posting on our joint profile; we have a lot of fun with that story, and we intend to keep that free for users to enjoy for a long, long time.
          New stories: not now or likely any time soon (excluding the Overlanders and Zombie Soap). ONC could potentially be an option next year, but I'm deep in work for Six of Air with my publisher. I've been putting a lot of focus into getting that book written, and I'm still drafting and researching daily as more notes come up.
          At the end of the day, my heart is in traditional publishing. It's what I've always wanted to do, and now that I'm doing it, I want to keep chasing that dream and aspiring to shoot higher.
          I will still be here as an Engagement Ambassador. I did consider leaving, but I have always been Team Wattpad Users. I joined Ambassadors to give a voice to the readers, and I will do it until I figure out for sure whether I want to continue. No need to make hasty decisions on that front.
          I will also continue reading your wonderful stories! You're all my writing/reading family, and that's never going to change.
          Happy Friday!


You will all notice I have removed every story except The Undergrounders, My Bad Boy Doctor, and The Zombie Soap Series. I do not have much of a market here on Wattpad, and I refuse to write about harmful tropes to grab all the readers. I like to do me, and I've chosen to continue pursing traditional publishing. I might not be perceived as successful, but writing and publishing is a very long game that requires a lot of patience. There is always a risk involved, and it is a personal journey--one that is different for everyone.
          I will continue posting with @OwlieCat on our joint profile @KaiddanceAndOwlieCat, but I'm not sure if I plan to continue on my personal account. 
          To all my readers: thank you always for your support. You know you can find me at my website kristielliot.com where you can find my traditionally published works. I won't make a lot of money, but I'll be happy doing what I do best, which is being myself and refusing to compromise my integrity. I love you all for your support, and it means the world to me.
          To my fellow authors: keep doing you. Write what you love and don't cave to the pressure to write what you think everyone wants. Someone somewhere needs to hear your story in your most authentic voice. Never settle, and never tell yourself you aren't good enough. We all start somewhere and we are all on different levels, but that doesn't make your stories any less important.
          I'm sure I'll be around, though it'll probably be behind the scenes in Engagement or as a silent reader.
          Take care!


@Shimaira thank you. I hope you achieve your dreams too. We’ve discussed this privately but you are a FABULOUS author, and I really want to see you succeed. ❤️❤️❤️


@Nyhterides certain things under contract (like Overlanders and Zombie Soap) will continue. As for anything new or not under contract, I want to revise and publish. They aren’t going anywhere on this platform, and I really do want to fully transition to mainstream publishing. I’ll still be around to support everyone though. I’ve always believed we should support each other as writers, and I never plan to change that support for everyone else. 


Happy Sunday!
          Did you know the @highfantasy profile has a community discord? To keep the spirit of the profile alive and resume operations on reading lists and contests, the members are invited/encouraged to write, read, gather, and share. As a community, we hope to have fun as we revitalize the profile, so go check it out if you’re interested!