
Yeah, so time is a bitch. It's finished now at least. Enjoy


Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
I'm probably a week away from finishing Locked with No Key. Please fucking hold to that. Just a heads up, I don't think I'll be doing any R6 stories after that, but I might go back and update and tidy up earlier chapters to make them fit more with my current writing and less... cringe-inducing. Also, I want to take another moment to thank you for all the positivity. In over 300 comments, not a single one has been hateful or offensive, and I am so thankful for the support - words cannot describe how I feel about the continuous love thrown at my writing. I started writing this story back in high-school - in that time I've had ups and downs, and now I'm going to college. It's mental to think that this account, this story is more than three years old and I still get messages and votes and comments. It's simply ridiculous to me. I don't know how I'll ever repay you all.
          I guess I'd better make that last chapter a certified banger.


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Ay, do you mind if I sidestep on your story?
          Sidestepping is like your story's Y/n met a 
          different character and I make a story out of that character. (Sorry for sounding like a total ass lol.) 
          The reason for this is the fucking plot twist on the kid being shot in the head, that fucking made me sad a little, and maybe if he had a bigger brother or something, then I would be able to help you with the plot a little.
          But anyways, keep up the great work mate.
          (If you wanna talk more about this, you could talk to me on discord "Burger Cheeg #1062)
          Anyways, sorry for the stuffy message on ya wall.


I'm struggling to convey my ideas in my R6 story, so if anyone wants to be super duper helpful and have a credit, just PM me.
          Also, 97% of you won't care, but I've started writing another story based on the Underland Chronicles by Suzanne Collins: I'd love you to check it out.
          Stay sticky,
          Big Sis Riku


I just wanted to post something to say thank you, 'cause my story is number one in Rainbow Six Siege. I, to be honest, am a perfectionist when it comes to writing, and I usually proof-read and re-write everything about sixteen times (that's an exaggeration, but not by much).
          I hope you all understand my gamers. ;) 


@KokuraRiku story is amazing anyway, it's deserved 


Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
Oh shit you read rising shadow too? Awesome! I see where some inspiration might come from


@akyri_skia im reading locked with no key and rising shadow, two of which are on par for the position as the best r6s fanfic I've read, the zofia one is also up there but I wouldn't say first place I'm my opinion. Anyways, keep up the writing, it's amazing


@akyri_skia oh yeah read that one too, it's a good one too