
2k words done?! 


          I just want to tell you that I really love you taming the major book.
          Its probably the best book I have read on here and I've been reading on the for 3 years so far.
          Thank you for writing such an amazing story line and actually give the character... Well character!
          I hope you continue to write this book till the very end!
          And I hope there are alot more chapters coming because I am officially addicted ❤️


Thank you so much for taking out time to read taming the major. It truly means a lot. I'm a little busy with exam week atm but as soon as I'm free I'll get back to it so stay tuned!!! 


I absolutely love your story Taming the Major and I voted on every chapter which I never do unless I think I should and omg your writing is absolutely amazing I love everything about it! I hope you keep writing and I know it doesn't mean much but I hope your alright and everything your going through gets easier!! Keep up the good work! 


Thank you so so very much, you definitely made my day. I’m glad you’re enjoying the book, the only reason I’m trying to continue writing is because of people like you. This genuinely means a lot!! 