
I know i said i was going to do a second book for angel but i also was to resume 'Not so sorry' so i'll post the first chapter to 'Not so sorry'  tonight and most likely post 'The Villain's Angel" tomorrow


Hey so are you doing a next book to angel?


@CJDineros i am attempting to come up with a second book to angel at the moment yes, i am putting more effort into this one so it'll take me a while to get it published


hello yall, I need help. I am thinking of continued 'The fall" but i'm not sure ifi should.


@XKimokoX okay, I have no idea when I'll finish a chapter for that but i will be working on it


@ KendoRappa  I think you should. 


Kakaka hello senpai~ so uhh I’ve already said this- but I’m bad with replied and checking
          My inbox so I came here instead! Just wanted u to know I couldn’t click on the link so o figured to ask if u could just post us ur name on discord here? I’ll add ya and u can send the inv~ I’ll join uwu


Ahhh okay- I’ll add ya rn! Thanks~


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
well,  we put a motion censer where our generator goes with a car horn. and it went off two times in less than five minutes, Now my dad is out there with a fucking gun. So those two little fucks came back tonight


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it was a paintball gun just to be clear but if they come again we will go out with the fucking rifle


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
My brother just scared the fuck outta two grown ass criminals that were trying to steal my RUNNING generator, While we were USING it. He literally snuck  behind them  with an 8 Inch Bowie knife that was used for Butchering rabbits and yelled at them, He's 18 and he scared grown fucking men who i mind you, were buff as all hell (only one, the other was smaller.) And now we have Seven dudes hunting their asses down, And of course there first thought was to beat the shit outta the bitches and not call the police because y'know who needs them when you have a stabby stabby. And holy shit My bro made a dude submit to him xD i can't sleep now.


now we have air horns and a motion sensor to make the bastards deaf and blind, of course we will also get a camera to record the chaos, hopefully.


@TatumMajor  I don't know what to say, but Wow