
New part of my Loki X reader story 'girl with the gold' whatever online now :-) 
          	Listen guys, is this one of your comfort stories? Coz I keep wondering if I should make it more exciting/if something should happen soon to shake it up a bit. 
          	I wondered if some of you might be bored, but some of you also might not like too much action because you find comfort/escapism in Loki and Y/N just hanging out and being in love. 
          	Obviously they're still heading to the land of the frost giants, but idk, is that enough action for you for now? I am honestly fine either way, I want you to like what you're reading :-)


          	  Oh. Just make sure you don’t push yourself too much or it might start to feel like a chore. Make sure to sleep, eat, and drink water. :)


@That_1_Rat_In_Europe Aw that's so good to hear! I think I'm in the same boat as you but I WRITE it when I'm stressed :'-D


          	  This is 100% a comfort story 
          	  I read it when I’m stressed or need a break from my life :)
          	  I love your story and you do whatever you want with your story, I’ll still read it either way.


New part of my Loki X reader story 'girl with the gold' whatever online now :-) 
          Listen guys, is this one of your comfort stories? Coz I keep wondering if I should make it more exciting/if something should happen soon to shake it up a bit. 
          I wondered if some of you might be bored, but some of you also might not like too much action because you find comfort/escapism in Loki and Y/N just hanging out and being in love. 
          Obviously they're still heading to the land of the frost giants, but idk, is that enough action for you for now? I am honestly fine either way, I want you to like what you're reading :-)


            Oh. Just make sure you don’t push yourself too much or it might start to feel like a chore. Make sure to sleep, eat, and drink water. :)


@That_1_Rat_In_Europe Aw that's so good to hear! I think I'm in the same boat as you but I WRITE it when I'm stressed :'-D


            This is 100% a comfort story 
            I read it when I’m stressed or need a break from my life :)
            I love your story and you do whatever you want with your story, I’ll still read it either way.


Wattpad wants to take away private messaging! A lot of you use PMs to request stories from me that you're too shy to post in the public comments sections. If you want, you can sign this petition to stop that feature from disappearing:


I just entered the app after a reading pause because of school. Who made this decision? This is just destroying Wattpad even more! Ahhhh


this message may be offensive
@SindianStar Thank you, and yeah or just BLOCK people, like omg it's so simple! I just block the people who send me weird shit


@LVE_32 If they are worried about weird messages being sent around they should give people the OPTION to not allow private DM's! I'll sign the petition now.


NEW PART of my one shot 'Cure for insomnia' in my Sherlock X Reader one shot book :-D I hope you enjoy itttt but also please note this one shot IS explicit and this chapter is no different, so if that's not for you just skip it I guess :-) Enjoy


Hiya, SHERLOCK fans! I suggest you all go back and re-acquaint yourself with my Sherlock X Reader One Shot 'A Cure For Insomnia' because, after over a year---due to popular demand---I am going to be posting the next part! I don't know when, because I need to find some time to edit, but it will be SOON :-D Hope to see you there :-D


@LVE_32 yippeeee I loved this one so much!!! Can't wait <3


Are you still working on BBC Sherlock "Biscuits" one shot?


@ThatOneADHDino I'm so glad you like it! I'm honestly a bit stuck with where to go with it rn ':-D I'm sure I'll figure it out but if you have any requests please don't be a stranger<3


okay! thank you! that's just one of my favorites rn


@ThatOneADHDino Yes I ammmmm :-D I try to post a chapter on each of my books one by one so it takes me a little while to get to them


I just posted part 1 of 2 of a new one shot in my Loki X Reader one shot book :-) It's just a short little 2 part thing that a few of you requested. I watched Avengers again and thought I'd finally write it. You can find it in the section labelled 'Earth' because it's set in New York :-)


i've read (and re-read) your work for a while now, and I just have to say that your sherlock is so amazing. i haven't really found anyone who captures him like you do, and how i view his character. i love how you write him so soft and shy and kind (and not mean, cold and almost cruel which can be a popular way of writing him), but he still feels like himself and doesn't feel out of character at all<3 . every iteration of this relationship is just so good, and i eat up everything you write (your writing in itself is just divine too). also love how you add so many domestic scenes, tenderness and quiet intimacy :((( thank you so much for writing!!


@bobasnail Hellooo thank you so much for this, it absolutely made my day <3 I'm so so happy you enjoy my stories, I can't believe you've read them multiple times!! Thank you so much!