
Hey everyone! First - I think you should know how much I appreciate every read, like, comment, follow! When I started, I didn't think anyone would give any of my works a second glance... Wow, was I wrong and I'm so grateful for all of the support. 
          	Unfortunately I will be removing my works and adding a "THIS STORY IS BEING EDITED" page... I am working super hard to have them ready to be purchased by the end of September. I will be using Amazon. 
          	I will have them removed by June 3rd. I apologize but due to plagiarism sites and other reasons, I feel as though its not fair for me to work so hard and not see any sort of payment (but everyone else makes the money)... :/
          	I love you all and I will keep you updated on my progress with Amazon and other things as they arise. 
          	Sending you all my love, prayers, and good vibes! 
          	~Autumn ♥


Thank you all!! ♥


@LadyAutumn17 i will definetly buy your books i love them so much


@LadyAutumn17 really love your's basically the only reason I come here anymore........wish you the very best in all your endeavours


It was a blessing to enter the many different worlds. Your books allowed me to enter,to escape the monotony of my life. Reptilians was the first book, and from there , I hungrily read all your work. I wish you the best wherever you may go. Best of luck.


Hola ! Me lleno de tristeza el ver que te hagan esto. Se sin duda el trabajo que has dedicado al escribir cada uno de tus libros ,soy una re fan y amo como haces que cada lector se meta en tu mundo ,en un mundo que otras personas te están robando ,lo lamento tanto . Se que muchos autores han pasado por esto y tomaron tus mismas medidas para que no vuelva a ocurrir. Es una sugerencia( y vos sos la que toma la decisión final obvianente) pero como sabes hay muchos que no podemos pagar y eso muchos autores lo saben ,y es entonces que ellos hacen lo siguiente : ellos cuando comienzan a escribir un nuevo libro lo hace totalmente gratis ,cuando lo terminan nos avisan que solo va a estar disponible 1 semana  ,luego de esa semana el libro pasa a ser pago ,es decir que dio un tiempo para leerlo gratis y luego si alguien lo quiere nuevamente leer o no llego a leerlo gratis lo va a tener que pagar porque ya paso el plazo. Se que funciona en otras app (no tan solo en wattpad) y muchos de los autores a quien sigo hacen esto mismo y realmente funciona. Si quieres saber más, pregúntale a esos autores que con gusto te puedo nombrar para que ellos te asesoren como hacerlo . Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leerme. Gracias por presentarnos tu mundo y tus historias ,sos alguien que tiene un futuro gigante y con mil mil éxitos más.


Hi I just want to say how I enjoy readying your stories, although I only have come across your work a while back I have to say I love them and have thoroughly enjoyed them. 
          And I'm so sorry for you not getting the credit you deserve and so much more, and those who have wronged you should be ashamed of themselves. You are a talented and an amazing writer, I hope you continue writing because you are great at it.
          Although I'm so sad about your decision it's very understandable, so I wish you luck and hope you achieve everything you want and get everything you deserve.


I’m trying to use the link for your Facebook page but your profile isn’t popping up when I use it


@NightReader_Romance It is under Author A.H.! It has a Reptilians profile picture!


I’m having the same problem 


Hey everyone! First - I think you should know how much I appreciate every read, like, comment, follow! When I started, I didn't think anyone would give any of my works a second glance... Wow, was I wrong and I'm so grateful for all of the support. 
          Unfortunately I will be removing my works and adding a "THIS STORY IS BEING EDITED" page... I am working super hard to have them ready to be purchased by the end of September. I will be using Amazon. 
          I will have them removed by June 3rd. I apologize but due to plagiarism sites and other reasons, I feel as though its not fair for me to work so hard and not see any sort of payment (but everyone else makes the money)... :/
          I love you all and I will keep you updated on my progress with Amazon and other things as they arise. 
          Sending you all my love, prayers, and good vibes! 
          ~Autumn ♥


Thank you all!! ♥


@LadyAutumn17 i will definetly buy your books i love them so much


@LadyAutumn17 really love your's basically the only reason I come here anymore........wish you the very best in all your endeavours


Hey there Autumn, I'm trying to get the reptilians series, I've tried using the link, I don't seem to be able to get it, is there another platform I can access the series from? Really enjoying your work 


@Swisroll Hey there! I'm currently removing all of my works! I am so sorry!