
Sorry about the lack of updates recently y’all. I haven’t written much this past week because my dad ended up having to put one of our dogs down while I was gone and we just got her ashes back today so I’ve been kind of distracted and upset and not really feeling up to writing. I’m hoping to get back on track this week and will at least be editing the two chapters I already had drafted so I can get those posted. 


@LeeraIvy Oh I'm so sorry . I am praying for you and your family.


Prayers for y’all 


@LeeraIvy yeah it was difficult knowing it was what was best for her to help ease her pain. 


Sorry about the lack of updates recently y’all. I haven’t written much this past week because my dad ended up having to put one of our dogs down while I was gone and we just got her ashes back today so I’ve been kind of distracted and upset and not really feeling up to writing. I’m hoping to get back on track this week and will at least be editing the two chapters I already had drafted so I can get those posted. 


@LeeraIvy Oh I'm so sorry . I am praying for you and your family.


Prayers for y’all 


@LeeraIvy yeah it was difficult knowing it was what was best for her to help ease her pain. 


Hi are your ACOTAR books standalone or do I have to read them in order? Im sorry if that sounds rude. ❤️❤️


They are a series but you could read them as individuals if you wanted. You would just miss out on whatever plot happened in the previous book to set up the current one, but I think I usually tried to explain that again anyway. I hope this answers your question! 


So my posting on Born of Flames might be a little dodgy the rest of this week. I was going to write today and then a tornado vortex formed literally right over my front yard. (Check my Instagram story ((in bio)). The post is on my other account but I have it in my Leera Ivy story) 
          It didn’t funnel thankfully, just circulated, but our sirens started going off and we were making plans in case we needed to find shelter. So yeah needless to say I didn’t get any writing done today. I only have one chapter drafted and the rest of this week is supposed to have similar weather so we’ll see how stuff turns out. 


I just saw that Wattpad is doing away with user to user private messaging, so I just wanted to let y’all know that if you need to reach me outside of comments or on my wall, you can send me a message request on Instagram (in bio). Just a heads up tho, I do have my Instagram messages set to receive requests from followers only due to the amount of spam and bots that were popping up. Have a great day! 


There’s a petition against it, many people already signed it. Do you want me to send link to you to it in private message? 


A new short story has just been added to my Crescent City fanfiction, House of Blood and Beasts. The story part is titled “A New Life”. Enjoy! 


@IsmaeRienne Hm that’s odd. Have you updated the app recently? It could be a bug of some sort. The part should be there cause others have been reading it 


@LeeraIvy  it won't load it for me :( 


Y’all go look at the trailer for Tales of the Empire! I think I might almost be more excited for this than I was for Tales of the Jedi XD


@LeeraIvy Already seen it and it is amazing


@LeeraIvy I just watched it and I can’t wait


Is anyone else having issues pasting stuff from Google Docs into Wattpad? I’ve been trying to paste over a new chapter and every time I do it, whether its in the app or on the website, some of the words and my text dividers end up turning into complete gibberish that looks like this: •/lkll£¢. And also the words that stay words paste in super tiny for some reason? 
          I can’t decide if the problem is Wattpad or Docs because it’s also doing the same thing if I paste from Docs into my Notes app, but it’s fine if I paste it anywhere else. I don’t want to submit a ticket to Wattpad if its a Docs problem but honestly it’s probably both because they’re both so buggy these days 


@LeeraIvy ik. I'm using two different apps to help me write. I never thought I would go in-depth with making my characters(Story Plotter). And I'm using another app so that I can type it in one document that isn't Wattpad(Writer Journal - Story, Notes).


@IenzAsh235 That’s really weird. I haven’t had that particular problem yet but if that happens it’ll really suck. There’s honestly no good writing platforms around that we can use without having to buy it or pay for a subscription to have an account like on Microsoft


@LeeraIvy there was an alert saying that Google has changed their terms and service without giving any warning about it. And the person who has written that said anything her friend wrote in like Google Docs and anything like that was disabled. 


Happy Easter to all and even if you don’t celebrate, I hope you have a wonderful day! 
          I was thinking about the meaning of Easter and also my plans for Born of Flames, and realized Morana’s story is going to have a few big similarities to it. I don’t want to give away spoilers obviously, but needless to say, I was kind of inspired by that and how my stories and characters can reflect some of my beliefs but in a way that all people can enjoy. 
          And speaking of which, the first two chapters of Born of Flames have now been posted! Thank you for reading if you choose to do so and I hope you enjoy! 


@LeeraIvy have a good Easter too! With my beliefs, I will be celebrating Easter today. And if anyone is reading this that just doesn't celebrate it, have a good rest of y'all's days. 