
Hellooo, first things first, I'm not dead, just in case someone thought I gave up on writing fanfics, I didn't, it's just that second year of studying psychology is a bitch and so, I'll most likely return to somewhat regular writing since like half of June? That's when the academic year finishes so. Just so you know I didn't forget about this ugly thing.
          	Second things second if you wanna help me, or if you're just bored lol, AND you are currently attending a school that is level higher above high school (college, university, etc) I would be grateful if you filled out this form: 
          	It's short and anonymous of course, for my eyes only too, more details are inside. I currently need 5 more people to fill it out and so I come here to you. I dunno how many of you attend this kinda school but then again I do have almost 400 followers so I'm hoping mmm.
          	may Error be with you :>


@skeletonenjoyer I'm alright, fortunately I didn't have airpods in so I lived the semi-truck! I'm alive. For now D: (lol, that's why I'm studying it my dude! To psychologically analize Error and his charms)


hello!!! good to know you haven't gotten run over by a semi-truck yet. Take ur time n take care of yourself dude!! (I do not know exactly why but It's kinda funny knowing your obsession with Error and the fact you're studying psychology lmao)


@Tatsuky-Akyama  that's alright, you do you of course :] and thanks


Hellooo, first things first, I'm not dead, just in case someone thought I gave up on writing fanfics, I didn't, it's just that second year of studying psychology is a bitch and so, I'll most likely return to somewhat regular writing since like half of June? That's when the academic year finishes so. Just so you know I didn't forget about this ugly thing.
          Second things second if you wanna help me, or if you're just bored lol, AND you are currently attending a school that is level higher above high school (college, university, etc) I would be grateful if you filled out this form: 
          It's short and anonymous of course, for my eyes only too, more details are inside. I currently need 5 more people to fill it out and so I come here to you. I dunno how many of you attend this kinda school but then again I do have almost 400 followers so I'm hoping mmm.
          may Error be with you :>


@skeletonenjoyer I'm alright, fortunately I didn't have airpods in so I lived the semi-truck! I'm alive. For now D: (lol, that's why I'm studying it my dude! To psychologically analize Error and his charms)


hello!!! good to know you haven't gotten run over by a semi-truck yet. Take ur time n take care of yourself dude!! (I do not know exactly why but It's kinda funny knowing your obsession with Error and the fact you're studying psychology lmao)


@Tatsuky-Akyama  that's alright, you do you of course :] and thanks


I hope you all watch attack on titan and are ready for the last part. Cause I. Am not. Seriously though, if you watch it already you know what a masterpiece it is, if you don't you have to. Like seriously, you have to, this ain't a choice . At least two times. Preferably 100. You have no idea how genius and foreshadowing filled it is. You have to. It's too good.


My hungry ass can't watch people play games I have already finished. Seeing them make the stupidest mistakes, not paying attention to side missions which are not obligatory but super helpful and telling, and not remembering anything of the plot just makes me mad :|. Also, play Omori people, you won't regret it, seriously. It's too good of a game. Play it at least two times too... Possibly four.
          Sorry, I just, it's actually a perfect game and I just needed to say it.


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Fuck you guys (affectionately) I'm going to write an Error x companion cube fanfic or something because I am obsessed with this stupid thing and endowment effect hit me HARD. If you know you know, but damn.


@Leffee not me over here waiting patiently


@Leffee -waiting for the masterpiece to appear-


I am genuinely losing my mind over this cube and don't even get me started on turrets omg


this message may be offensive
Ignore that last message he sure is! couldn't wait and watched it! Error the beloved is in fact in underverse 0.7 and I am swooning more than ever over him right now!!! He's so fucking great in every aspect omg, when I tell you that I was shaking the entire time he was on screen then I was fucking shaking. Now I'm just sitting with the goofiest smile bc how could I not just drown in satisfaction caused by the beloved's performance. Truly the one and only love of my life.


@ Leffee  XD yes


@Floppyruru  yesh xD he's just so Error I'm-


@ Leffee  XD especially the "don't hit yourself" scene i love that so much 


Has anybody here watched Underverse 0.7 yet? If yes, pls lmk if Error is there. 


            X gaster drinkin wine- O-O
            Papyrus in a car o-o
            That one part where Errors like STOP HITTING YOURSELF  XD
            My reaction afterwards- >:DDDDD


@Leffee I recently watched it and I have forgotten if Error is there let alone what happened-


Damn I love Errormare so much


@ Leffee  Errormare is good ✨


@Leffee ErrorMare for frigging Life 


Me looking at the requests from three months ago knowing they will most likely not get done for the next 5 months and by that time people who requested might not even be active or interestes in what they requested anymore:


@Leffee Good luck in writing them!