
Hi guys
          	Sorry for no updates, it’s been a crazy few days. My protectors will be the next one updated in a few days.  
          	The young Queen won’t be updated until I finish a couple more chapters as the chapter is split into different parts. 
          	Hope that makes sense 
          	- Lexi 


Hi I hope all is well (: 


Hi guys
          Sorry for no updates, it’s been a crazy few days. My protectors will be the next one updated in a few days.  
          The young Queen won’t be updated until I finish a couple more chapters as the chapter is split into different parts. 
          Hope that makes sense 
          - Lexi 


Hi I hope all is well (: 


Hey, how have you been? i hope you're doing well, I just wanted to ask a question cuz you're literally the most talented person ever and i love your books so much, i wanted to ask how do you get the ideas to write a new chapter (not a specific story that you wrote) like what gives you the motivation to write such a great chapter or story etc.. and also do you write like freestyle like do you just get ideas while writing or do you have a plot in mind beforehand? I'm sorry to bother but i just had to ask because you're just so talented <3333


@robinsbitch23317 ooh ok thank you so much <333


Hiya, I’m great thank you, hope you are too! I do have a plot in mind when I plan a story but when I’m writing the chapter things something do change along the way.


I love your criminal minds book. You should do more like that. I kinda wanna read it again bc it’s so good but I don’t wanna get sick of it bc I read it so close to the last time I did 


@bobbi_lynn_7 I have a few ideas for criminal mind stories, I just want to finish The Young Queen and My Protectors before I add anymore stories.