
(Warning long rant up ahead. 
          Don't want to read rant? Here's the short version.
          ✏ I just wanted to say that your books are amazing and thank you for writing them)
          Your writing is really good it's like poetry in a sense, it makes the world in your story's seem Beautiful, Majestic and Mysteries. It's a wonderful way to explain how the characters feel and help the reader to better relate to and understand them. And you still keep the character's original personality and perspective if not just a bit more filled with a poetry\play like way of seeing things. Your books are amazing because of this writing style, though if I was in a rush or a grumpy or I want something goofy and funny kind of mood, this wouldn't be a very good thing to read cause of how it's written but other then that your books are amazingly good. The only time I haven't liked it so far is when you had Shuichi die in Our very last book, But not because you did a bad job writing it or anything! On the contrary you did a wonderful job to wonderful cause I hate to rid when a character I love dies in such a way that I can feel the emotions of sadness and Despair like they really truly died. But besides the sadness that made me feel I just wanted to say that your books are amazing and thank you for writing them.