
Hi, im here to let you know i haven't disappeared. i just a few hectic days that pushed back my writing time. I apologize. I also want you guys to know that new chapters might take a bit of time since im moving. I'll be back soon (⌒‐⌒)


2seok chapter is out warning its the longest chapter ive ever written for this story!! Enjoy ;) 


let's gooooo long chapterrrrr


Guys, i just wrote a one-shot story with no name of character, its kidn of twisted and a bit gross, but an idea kept popping in my head i just had to bring it to life. It's quite 18+, in my opinion 
          If you want to read it, let me know. I'll publish it, dont expect much just 1k ish words.
          There are no character names, and  told in 1st person, pov. ;) 


Hello hello i have found some time to write the 2seok story sooooo i published the chapter 14 enjoyyyy \(^-^)/\(^-^)/\(^-^)/


thank you so much it's my favourite!!