
Reading back in my stories I see some quotes that are quite interesting... 
          	"she burned it down because my grandmother said just like birds and bees the garden will attract beauties. After being burned down my grandmother said what will this attract now? Flies?" 
          	They were speaking of a garden then another similar quote was in another one of my story.
          	"Remember butterflies and bees are not just attracted to flowers but also trash"
          	I love those quotes...


Hello, good morning author, I don't know if you remember me but I had asked you for permission to translate your beautiful works into Spanish but since Wattpad eliminated the chat option in the application I have no way to ask you things, could I do it here?


Reading back in my stories I see some quotes that are quite interesting... 
          "she burned it down because my grandmother said just like birds and bees the garden will attract beauties. After being burned down my grandmother said what will this attract now? Flies?" 
          They were speaking of a garden then another similar quote was in another one of my story.
          "Remember butterflies and bees are not just attracted to flowers but also trash"
          I love those quotes...


I don't condemn any bad stuff. But yeah I can relate. And trust me it would scare the living out of people. If they could read my mind  and other people minds too.and there be nothing anyone be ready for any surprises. Plus where would the privacy . It could catch terrorists and child predators and  gun men before bad things happen.but then the whole world might not exist anymore if everyone could read minds


I don't condemn ignorant teenagers/young adult for writing dubious stuff, now listen and here me out! I don't condemn them because this a place of understanding...
          When I was in high-school most the things I consumed where dubious manhwa with toxic relationships horrendous storyline, one of my most favorite trope back then was the ran away mom trope which to some extent is still is.
          I remember writing several stories that were dubious and horrendous back then "tyrants wife and it was simply the wrong room".
          There was another one but I don't remember because I forgot, one the problems is not seeing anything wrong with age-gaps... I didn't see anything wrong with age-gaps 16-27 I couldn't see a thing wrong with it.
          Dubious consent drunken one night stand with some underlining you know Grape, couldn't see a thing wrong despite almost being a victim of grooming at some point in my life. Like couldn't see it as anything wrong but now I can see it.
          So I'd never condemn them because eventually once they widen their views they are gonna see it and wonder how they did not see it. 
          So yeah it's just that simple really. Cause no one is a mind reader and life is all about living while learning... I judge but I don't condemn if that makes any sense 


@LoveWritingBl Same here. I don't write dubious content but as a teen when I first wrote my stories, I didn't consider underage much of a problem especially when both leads are teens. As I grew up writing my novel my views changed. And simply to say my mistake kind of bites me back. ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌  but anyway, the story was werewolf so I simply created another planet and increased the no. of days to fixed hours a day. Now, as a young adult, I love older uke and younger seme troupe. Let's see how much longer I am going to keep up with it(⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)


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So I'm reading "give me the pacifier" and I must say I actually quite like it. It's the typical asshole family illegitimate child bullshit and what-not but this made me more open minded and well come to the idea because the uncle actually developed well for me and the fmc is all beg and gravel for affection.
          I'm more open to the uncle's redemption than Claude from who made me a princess or another father whose name I can't remember... in this the uncle is shown to be a good father and that didn't change the dynamic once he starts caring for the fmc... 
          Which is something I've always irk me when fl father has other children but is "I only care for my daughter". 
          I like the relationship it grows on me the uncle was your typical cold heartless bastard yes but he grows. It shows from the beginning that he is not a terrible father it shows he loves his son and like how the relationship develops in this story it shows you a flawed character who's growing. 
          The uncle is my favorite despite how contradictory it is with my judgement. 
          I think this how growth is supposed to work. 
          I don't know but what's your idea on the manhwa.


@LoveWritingBl I actually love that too especially the art, Charente Clown is truly alluring having midblack hair and moonstone grey eyes.


@LoveWritingBl  I must say I do like it and I agree on the thing's you mentioned about the relationship's


One thing that bugs me about revenge manhwa/manga/manhua/books/movies is they promise to Hate BUT motherfu*kers be forgiving too easily!


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@LoveWritingBl lmaoooo "kill my dad I kill ya mom" Faxxxxx


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@patriciayd forgiveness comes after getting even. Hahaha then we call it a day and let bygones be bygones... kill my dad I kill ya mom now we both have something to be pressed about worse of enemies to the greatest of lovers lol


I personally think that if that mofo ruined your whole life. It the story has to be love/HATE SLOW BURN. I hate the ones that rush the love.. how does that make sense? Bish you ruined my whole life and I am forgiving you that easy. We know they are going to end up together so at least make the Hate/slow burn


So today is day 1 of discussing MLs in my stories and my opinions of them.
          So today we will be talking about Astolpho Raynier from Transmigrated into a tl novel trashy father.
          Well I love Astolpho, being honest. He is a king but he is not without his flaws he is a father who wants to protect his omega choice if not guided by the mc would be a neglectful father.
          Astolpho wants to end a long standing generational pain with his family. Not getting to interact with his mother until 14 and raised by a psychopath of a father made him had low beliefs in fated pair and the fact he couldn't feel anything towards the og male him seems heartless.
          But upon spending quality time with his child astello and understand the weight that raynier bloodline carries makes it all the sad at their fate unable to truly choose love.
          Astolpho wants the best for his child but he can't give the best and it's a sad.
          "If you cry I'll wipe your tears, if you laugh I'll laugh along side you and I'll protect this I promise your father."- Astolpho.
          P.s. his past life sucks though. 
          Who next would you like me to talk about and what's your opinion on Astolpho?


I’m neutral about him. He is trying to be a good husband and father but that doesn’t mean he can just be heartless to anyone who is not apart of his family. 
            I mean I get that he didn’t feel anything for Ishley but he could’ve been with ishley when the latter was giving BIRTH to HIS son! Uther and other servants say that the labor was more difficult because Astolpho wasn’t there.
            I get he was busy but he didn’t even contact Ishley/Enrique about his and Leslie’s well-being. I know he is trying to change and that’s exactly why I am neutral about him.
            Especially after finding about his childhood. Trauma made him into the person he was at the start of the story. But he is healing.
            I never liked astolpho at the beginning of the book but I didn’t hate him as much as someone like say Claude from wmmap. He wasn’t ever like mean or abusive to Ishley or Leslie so that didn’t make hate him that much. Now that he is trying change I’m 50/50 about him. 
            Sorry for this huge rant lol. But I hope my opinion helps you make Astolpho into a better character.


My baby  Enrique is da best, Astol, is a sad puppy. And their child, Leslie, he's a baby. 


@LoveWritingBl oooouuu i think you should talk abt the ml in “i became the protagonist child” and i have no opinion on Astolpho yet as i haven’t read that book yet