
I have long wanted to be a writer. I have several stories I'm writing, but my fist published story on here is one of my favorites. I hope people can enjoy it as much as I do.


How many books are you planning on having in the Only Human series?


@LucindaCroft9 awesome ☺️ that's what I was guessing since I THINK this book is coming to a close. Just read your new chapter, and I am already thinking about the next one  Have a good rest of your day!


@Lamm66 still not sure. At least 3, but I'm entertaining the idea of expanding it.


Love your story so much , This is 100% my favorite book series atm , Having the worst day ever but here to hoping a chapter drops today 


 I want a tea copy 


@96nightshade96 Thank you so much for the praise. I love writing the story and I can't  say how much it means to me that your enjoying it so much. I'm sorry your day is going rough. I try to pace out my posts to match my writing speed so that there is no hiatus. Sometimes I post an extra chapter when I've had the writing bug and was able to write more than I anticipated. I will have one up on Friday though.


Oh my God, I love your story so much I literally log on every day to see if you post a chapter wish you drop a couple on us. Lol. Keep up the amazing work truly unique work of art 


@96nightshade96 Thank you so much for your support! It really helps keep me engaged and writing! I try to post every Monday and Friday. Thanks again!