
Update y'all—FEVER'S GONE!!! Whoohoo!!!
          	Just dealing with the post flu body aches. At least I don't feel like a zombie anymore. I hate fevers.
          	Gonna see what I can do today.
          	Oh and I have a special prayer request, please y'all, pray for my boyfriend, Favor, he's been sick in the hospital for a few. Thanks y'all.
          	Love y'all.
          	xoxo MJ 


@MJKristo11 Ugh, the flu is awful. I used to get it every year as a kid. That doesn't happen anymore, which I am so glad about, but when I got COVID last year, it really felt like the flu. :S
          	  And praying.


          	  Dw, he will be healthy and, on his feet, soon :)


@MiaKurenai_2009 *hugs* thank you hon


Update y'all—FEVER'S GONE!!! Whoohoo!!!
          Just dealing with the post flu body aches. At least I don't feel like a zombie anymore. I hate fevers.
          Gonna see what I can do today.
          Oh and I have a special prayer request, please y'all, pray for my boyfriend, Favor, he's been sick in the hospital for a few. Thanks y'all.
          Love y'all.
          xoxo MJ 


@MJKristo11 Ugh, the flu is awful. I used to get it every year as a kid. That doesn't happen anymore, which I am so glad about, but when I got COVID last year, it really felt like the flu. :S
            And praying.


            Dw, he will be healthy and, on his feet, soon :)


@MiaKurenai_2009 *hugs* thank you hon


Sorry guys I forgot again... Although in this case it's coz I fell asleep... I got a fever ugh, allergic reaction to oranges. Feeling awful at the mo. If I'm not around, I'll be when I'm better. Love y'all.♥️
          Oooh and hope y'all enjoy the new chapter, came out 12 hours ago, I'd been pretty excited about this one coz it's a hot date with a golden boy! My #1 fan already loves it, yay! Thanks Mia.
          Just don't get your hopes up, book 3 is a curve ball, one which will turn everything around to the awaited happily ever after. It'll be da bomb. A humdinger. 
          Okay I'm rambling, must be the fever.
          xoxo MJ 


@MJKristo11 That's sad. How do you know which oranges? Or do you just avoid them all?


@katiegoesmew just the juicing types, not the ones you can peel. Those like tangerine are fine for me 


@katiegoesmew yep, some oranges not all


Rough day for me today... I could use some prayers y'all.
          ♥️ Thanks.
          xoxo MJ 


@MiaKurenai_2009 Aww Thanks for asking hon just dealing with a fever rn.


            Holy hell, why didn't I receive notification?!
            You okay?


@Creativemind703 not really but I'm glad to have friends like you ♥️


Wholly guac, raw veggies increase one's IQ 0_0 I plotted an entire chapter in 5 minutes today, it's a new record! WOOHOO!
          I posted the climax on Inkitt today, wonder how the peeps there will take it...
          Having thoughts about working on 21st Century Couple and Licensed Rebels after this... The street racing rebel life is caaaalling meeee... ★‿★
          Anyway, have a good weekend y'all, see ya tomorrow.
          xoxo MJ 


So I painted my nails yesterday and asked bae to guess what color they are now and he replied without missing a beat – pink, obviously. XD he knows me so well ♥️
          More writing planned for today, a delicious plan of revenge! Hehehehe.
          That laugh sounds so right after the word revenge... XD 
          If y'all are online, drop a hi! I guess people don't come here much since Wattpad's stupid notifications don't work anymore... -_-
          xoxo MJ 


@MJKristo11 I'll probably reach of point of just saying, "Eh, never mind," soon enough. ;)


@katiegoesmew Hmm that's what I was tryna get back , never worked . after that I just left it .


@MJKristo11 Although I did just uninstall and reinstall the app on my phone for the ongoing Support ticket stuff, and now I'm getting notifications on my phone. I don't know if they weren't working or if I just turned them off before, though, because I don't like getting tons of notifications on my phone.


          Wrote an awesome scene today, filled with drama, suspense, excitement, and happy smiles at the end! I had to put my precious Pierce through something awful though, almost gutted me >︿<but he did it for looove...❤
          Eeeek, it's gonna be so romantic!
          Okay, that's the update for today. Got some revenge to plot next, hehehehehe...
          xoxo MJ


@MiaKurenai_2009 Don't worry, he's the hero who comes out on top... PAPARUMPAAAA!!! Lol. Awful and sweet, he did it to save his sweetheart... not saying anymore, shh ^_~


            Pierce through something awful 


I should have told y'all yesterday as it was yesterday when it happened... Book 3 of the Golden Boys series hit 50,000 words!!! YEAH BABY!!!!! CUCURUCUROOOOO!!!!!!!!!!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
          50k, baby! And still counting, I'm only ¾ done with the story. I'll be able to start posting the same week Heart Stealer is completed. After all, y'all will want it, it ends on a bit of a cliffhanger which book 3 begins with...
          ♥️So who wants to know what the title of the book is? Anyone wanna see the cover? Bae says he loves it, was shocked when I told him I made it myself XD ah, boys.
          Anyway, catch you later. Boy, that sounded like my Pierce 0_0 ^⁠_⁠^ (♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠)
          It's his CATCH phrase. Get it? XD
          xoxo MJ 


@MiaKurenai_2009 hehehe thx! And I'll send you the cover today later on discord ;) just for my prime Pierce fan❤


            50K WORDS?! HOLY HELL THAT'S A LOT!
            Me! Me! Me! 
            Got it XD


0_0 AHHHH I keep forgetting coz it's scheduled but my fans don't! XD 
          New chapter came out 12 hours ago, Heart Stealer. It's a doozy, full of drama. Looks like my fans already know that, thanks for reading! And do try to have an open mind about these Golden Boys, it's a sticky situation kinda plot; just go with it. Trust me, book 3 will make total sense. ^⁠_⁠^
          I've never been to a homecoming but I'm writing about it lol! It's gonna be so much fun!!! My favorite part is finding a dress for my leading lady.  If you've been, share your homecoming experience!★
          I'd love to hear.
          Ciao for now!
          xoxo MJ