
Hi everyone, currently I’ve only got one ongoing story and that is “Tesor Mio,” and I wanted to let you guys know that I will be traveling as summer has arrived so I won’t be able to update until late August or beginning on September. So, if it seems like Im not updating or I’ve disappeared I just wanted to give you a heads up on why


          	  I'll wait for your new amazing story ,dear sis.


Hi everyone, currently I’ve only got one ongoing story and that is “Tesor Mio,” and I wanted to let you guys know that I will be traveling as summer has arrived so I won’t be able to update until late August or beginning on September. So, if it seems like Im not updating or I’ve disappeared I just wanted to give you a heads up on why


            I'll wait for your new amazing story ,dear sis.


Hey Guys!
          The major part of ending the semester has settled down and I think I will be having more time to update. But, I really had an important announcement to make! I have made the bold decision of producing a new series. I just uploaded the book with the cast information and a small preview. Go check it out on my profile! It's called "AFFILIATION - BOOK I" and I hope you enjoy the first part 


I just checked out the cast and IM IN LOVE!! ♥️♥️ it’s amazing. And the book cover... OMG (insert emojis) 


Hi Everyone, 
          I just wanted to come on here and let you guys know that I haven't been able to update. As some might be familiar with, the semester is ending and school has gotten busier to a point in which I can't find time to spare. I wish I could provide quick updates, but for the next two weeks, I don't presume that it's possible. Also, don't worry, I'll be back to updating as usual once those two weeks have passed. Inshallah, everything goes well and for those who are in a similar position, I wish you all good luck ☺️


@fawziyya4 Then I give you all the good luck's in the world ✨☺️


@M_Tari  Insha Allah 
            Good Luck with the exams 