
Hey hey sweeties.....I know I'm late actually dead here...but my exams are on going and after 2 week I've another exam upcoming so I've barely time for writing anything.... I've so many pending stories which I've to update but I'm busy with my studies..... please do cooperate and wait a little bit....I promise I'll update*Mrs. Jeon* asap


Hey hey sweeties.....I know I'm late actually dead here...but my exams are on going and after 2 week I've another exam upcoming so I've barely time for writing anything.... I've so many pending stories which I've to update but I'm busy with my studies..... please do cooperate and wait a little bit....I promise I'll update*Mrs. Jeon* asap


Should I post some short stories? It will contain 5-6 parts like oneshot stories... should I post? Or not?


@Mayabiinii if you want you should but I'm also want to read so please  pretty please