
Hello M&M's, 
          	Been a long time since I last posted anything, I know. And my last post did explain. So, many months later, I'm here to give an update on the goinga on of yours truly and the future of this account. 
          	First, the past. I'm almost finished senior year. Woo! I'm almost completely over depression, though anxiety is still running strong, though now Im caught mostly by seizures. I promise its nothing serious and it is being taken care of. Studies have been stressful, but Im doing well. The huge state test is in a few days which will take a major weight off my shoulders that has been sitting there for the past year.
          	And now, the future. This account will NOT be terminated. Not only that, but I am making a promise, mostly to myself, to return to finish at least HoG and WATA. When I say this, I am fully acknowledging my circumstances which prettu much dictate that I wont be updating them until after Christmas. Yes, more waiting, I know. But I really truly don't have time to sit and write until after I graduate. And for the first two weeks of those holidays Im in Japan on a school trip, and you can be sure as heck I'll be dipping in a hot springs before tackling writers block right after I finish 13 years of schooling.


@MissMythoMagic Whenever you decided to come back always know we are here!!


@MissMythoMagic hope to see you back! Plz finish WATA it's really good!


@MissMythoMagic we hope to see you back!


Heeyyyyyyy please please please please girllllll please update heart of gold.... I know messaging here is of no use coz your last update of that story was in 2014 and we're in 2020 now...... But still  I hope you'll update please...


She’s on semipermanent hiatus. I don’t think she’ll update


          I just wanted to say that I’ve read your book, We Are The Archangels, and I just wanted you to know, I think it was beautifully written. I’ve read other Percy Jackson fan fiction with similar plots, but yours is still my favorite. It actually somewhat inspired me to start writing the book (HoC) found on my profile now. So I guess I just wanted to say thank you. Archangels is amazing, and even though it’s unfinished, I love that you can just imagine your own ending for it. Do you want me to reference on of your OC characters in HoC? Cause I can do that if you want me to. 
          Always the DragonGirl,


To all of MissMythoMagic’s followers, hey! I just joined this fan following group, and I’m really glad I found a writer like her. I know we might be getting the tiniest bit impatient, but let’s just let her take her time, yeah? 
          To MissMythoMagic, I hope your doing alright, and really wish you overcome that rough patch soon!!


          The person is still alive.
          In her other account, I talked to her. I asked her why she's taking too long and she said that she forgot the plot and she didn't want to write without her heart in it.
          Please respect her decisions and give her space. 
          Thank you~♥


@cutieee_jiuna its okay. I understand 


@ravenqueen4life you'll see. The first book in her reading list. I don't want to expose her, tell everyone her second account immediately.....