
*cracks knuckles* Announcement two. This one will be a doozy so buckle your seat belts.
          	I'll be leaving Wattpad, bean buns. Though my account will stay up, I won't be active on it which unfortunately means LtMA will remain unfinished as far as I can see. There have been a lot of external reasons but the main reason boils down to this. I am a Christian who had become complacent in my faith and allowed the pursuit of status and a gaming addiction (among other things) to rule my life. This allowed demonic oppression which most recently took the form of being unable to eat, mental and emotional breakdowns, and overwhelming stress, anxiety, and hopelessness. Not only did I need to repent of my transgressions but of my gifts that I'd placed so much importance and pride in, gifts that He gave me out of His goodness which I'd twisted for my own gain. 
          	But God is good! He answers when we call upon Him. Though it is a battle in the valley for my soul, He is teaching me about spiritual deliverance and absolute surrender. That I am saved by grace alone, receiving it as a child with nothing to offer to an all-loving Father, not as a transaction where I can bring enough to God that I am worth being saved. He is ever patient and gentle with me, so much that I cry when I think of how I could have kept him waiting so long, watching for years for His prodigal child to come home. I pray that many more are gathered home and set free from every chain that binds, whether addictions, illnesses, curses passed down through generations, depression, anxiety. He is worth every sacrifice and glass trinket we're asked to give up. There are crowns for us in heaven, where we will live forever with a Savior who loves us and gave His life to ransom ours. 
          	"Wherefore He saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
          	See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
          	Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
          	God bless you
          	Love, Miya


That's sad your books are one of the few good on wattpad but I understand. your mental health is more important. take care of yourself 


@MiyaHikari Sorry to hear you've been through all of that. It can't be easy. Sending you strength and love ❤️ Your positive presence on wattpad will be missed.


@MiyaHikari I'm sorry to hear you've been struggling and wish you all the best, Miya. Take care of yourself.


*cracks knuckles* Announcement two. This one will be a doozy so buckle your seat belts.
          I'll be leaving Wattpad, bean buns. Though my account will stay up, I won't be active on it which unfortunately means LtMA will remain unfinished as far as I can see. There have been a lot of external reasons but the main reason boils down to this. I am a Christian who had become complacent in my faith and allowed the pursuit of status and a gaming addiction (among other things) to rule my life. This allowed demonic oppression which most recently took the form of being unable to eat, mental and emotional breakdowns, and overwhelming stress, anxiety, and hopelessness. Not only did I need to repent of my transgressions but of my gifts that I'd placed so much importance and pride in, gifts that He gave me out of His goodness which I'd twisted for my own gain. 
          But God is good! He answers when we call upon Him. Though it is a battle in the valley for my soul, He is teaching me about spiritual deliverance and absolute surrender. That I am saved by grace alone, receiving it as a child with nothing to offer to an all-loving Father, not as a transaction where I can bring enough to God that I am worth being saved. He is ever patient and gentle with me, so much that I cry when I think of how I could have kept him waiting so long, watching for years for His prodigal child to come home. I pray that many more are gathered home and set free from every chain that binds, whether addictions, illnesses, curses passed down through generations, depression, anxiety. He is worth every sacrifice and glass trinket we're asked to give up. There are crowns for us in heaven, where we will live forever with a Savior who loves us and gave His life to ransom ours. 
          "Wherefore He saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
          See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
          Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
          God bless you
          Love, Miya


That's sad your books are one of the few good on wattpad but I understand. your mental health is more important. take care of yourself 


@MiyaHikari Sorry to hear you've been through all of that. It can't be easy. Sending you strength and love ❤️ Your positive presence on wattpad will be missed.


@MiyaHikari I'm sorry to hear you've been struggling and wish you all the best, Miya. Take care of yourself.


I know I disappeared off the face of Wattpad for a few weeks so be prepared for a double shout-out! The first is for the books of two talented reviewers from @DreamlandCommunity <3
          Live to Venture by @tarishannon18 is a high stakes action adventure featuring the young captain Bardarian and half-siren Silta Novari in a prequel to the Venture series (which are amazing as well). This is the perfect book for fans of Pirates of the Caribbean.
          Treacherous Witch (formerly "The Silvertree", I'm still partial to that title haha) by @WrenMorgan is about a cunning dressmaker and her subtle war to gain power and liberate her kingdom from its conquerors. This political intrigue is full of mysteries and ambition.


@MiyaHikari I really enjoyed Treacherous Witch!


LtMA has been updated to Chapter 14: Hit the Fan! I've got about 20 days of writing and 6 chapters planned so wish me luck and all the best to everyone in the deadline trenches <3 I may be quiet until the end of the month, but I'm extra grateful for the story love. I read every single comment and will be answering them once the story is complete!


Check out this awards! It looks amazing and I'm so excited to enter <3


Note: Rowan has deleted a comment saying "she thinks verrry highly of herself and her writing. One of those pretentious types." in reply to iburnrice before I joined the conversation. This is the name-calling I refuse to tolerate on my conversations board and what I did not wish to be continued. 
            If you're reading this, Rowan. Leave me alone. I said stop twice, you didn't listen, I muted. End of story.


@MiyaHikari only reposted because WP glitched and wouldn’t send. I shared my experience and that’s it. You can take it or leave it


@RowanCarver I'm the one dragging this out? You came back a second time to repost this having to get the final word and dictating a conversation on someone else's space. Stop or I will be muting. I've heard both sides of the story now.


Chapter 10 of LtMA is posted! 
          I'm so honored to share that Lie to Me Again was selected as an Ambassador's Pick in Round One of the ONC and has qualified in the 8 Chapter Challenge <3 The support from this community has been amazing and I'm super grateful. We're fast approaching 20k! How are y'all doing with your ONCs? Ready to submit to Round 2 or have you already?


@words_are_weapons That's awesome! Glad the stars aligned this year for the timing to work. I remember dangling the ONC carrot in front of you last year, so it was only a matter of time--the hype is just way too strong to resist for long XD


@MiyaHikari Happy to be here (finally!) XD Last couple of years ONC has just rolled around at an inconvenient time for me, but I've been on a bit of a tear these last few weeks haha!


@words_are_weapons Thank you and congrats again on placing as a Round Winner!!! So glad you're participating this year and I'll be joining the submitted gang today, fingers crossed :D


I took a break from writing, took a deep breath, relaxed, and visited family, but now I'm back! Chapter 9 of LtMA is posted and I bet you shippers will be on a fun rollercoaster with this one. Enjoy <3 
          Sneak Peek: 
          Yuki stood in frozen silence, watching in horror as tears formed in Rhett's eyes and leaked down over his cheeks. 
          She'd made him cry.  
          By everything warm and beautiful and kind in this world, she'd made Rhett—the boy she'd vowed to never let anyone else hurt—cry.


@MiyaHikari Nano is stress for me, I need my peace to create magic but hey a challenge is a challenge and one can only learn what way work best.


@AnnamitaMuscaria Thank you! Yeah, it's so hard juggling ONC with everything else and not burning out. I don't know how the NaNo writers do it.


Sometimes it’s good to take a break, I recently had to do that and had to rethink my schedule because I got burn out ><. Welcome back :)


Congratulations to all the ONC Round One Qualifiers!!! So much talent this year and so many epic books to read <3 
          LtMA has made it and was also featured on @WackyWriters for this month! You might've noticed a cover change, but it's not permanent--more for funsies and because I think it matches the ONC sticker better. Can't wait to get back to reading all your stories! Just keep writing, guys!


@craftychicken Congrats to you too!!


@SakuraYumeji Thanks so much! I took a little break but I've posted a new part <3


Awards alert! Been awhile since I entered one of these, but it's time to throw my new book in the ring <3 @TheCogitatioRealm


@SakuraYumeji Awesome! What category will you enter?


I'm at the 6th published part, if there is any spot next whee I will enter.