
Hey people!
          	The story HIS UNIQUE BLESSING that you have been waiting for is now out. The first chapter is here so go check it out and don't forget to vote and comment. I really hope you guys like it and I swear the dull response as of now already has me planning a long break *sigh*. Show some enthusiasm guys. Dilraj and Meharjot are here so welcome them with open hearts. Here's the link to the chapter:
          	Happy Reading!


Hey people!
          The story HIS UNIQUE BLESSING that you have been waiting for is now out. The first chapter is here so go check it out and don't forget to vote and comment. I really hope you guys like it and I swear the dull response as of now already has me planning a long break *sigh*. Show some enthusiasm guys. Dilraj and Meharjot are here so welcome them with open hearts. Here's the link to the chapter:
          Happy Reading!


Hey people!
          The next chapter of THE HIDDEN BRIDE is here. Chapter 11: Psycho and his firestorm awaits your presence and please do vote and comment. You guys are my only source of motivation. Their honeymoon has begun. I hope you enjoy reading the chapter. I know I am freaking out but when there are literally no comments in the first hour of updating it's a serious kind of trauma *nervous laugh* Kindly do share your views. 
          Here's the link:

          Thanks and regards
          Ms. Bhatia


64 comments left to go for the next update of THE HIDDEN BRIDE!
          Hey guys!
          I hope you all are doing well. I wanted to keep the updates regular of the story THE HIDDEN BRIDE but somehow you don't want them because the comment count is disheartening at times. More than 1.2K reads and still, the comment target remains incomplete. Guys! Do show some enthusiasm and love in the comment section because it makes me feel like writing the next chapters sooner. Love you people!
          You'll get your update as soon as the target is complete!


Hey just wanted to know if you have released or will release the alternative bride as a paperback version as I wanted to buy it. 


@Sakshi_Singhania Yes the paperback version of The Alternative Bride is available on the notion press site. Use the discount code TABPAPERBACK to get 39% discount. Happy reading!


Hey people!
          I so much wanted to give you guys regular updates of THE HIDDEN BRIDE but you guys don't want them. It's been 10 days and the comments target is still not complete. There are still 49 comments to go for the next chapter while we have more than sufficient votes. If I demand 185 comments from my 1K readers how is the target big? Exams don't really give you time to be disappointed but let's hope you guys will share your views in the comment section super soon to get your next update. Waiting for your enthusiastic response!
          With love
          Ms. Bhatia


this message may be offensive
Our version of love
          Oh ma god author impressed dude. Kabir ki Meera Meera ka Kabir are invincible but their attitude uff
          The boss bitch with the family lover Meera was killer
          Kabir, man where do I get a Kabir for myself
          Veronica o maa god loved what she got at the end 
          Abhimaan damn man sexy as hell can I be his wild rise ufffff
          Khyati and Cliffords oo la la my god kill me please 
          Where do I get such family 
          Loved the story. Outstanding man lobed it 


@kimayaz_writes Aww thank you and love ya!


@kimayaz_writes Girl you made me laugh, smile, and get emotional all in a few words. Thanks a ton for reading my work and this super beautiful comment. I'd love it if you give the same in the comments section of the last chapter also. Just so you know, your words mean the world to me. You made my day!