
Hello children, time for your weekly hello from me.  No chappy this week, I apologize, but I'm out of town. School for me starts on Monday as well, so I'm thinking we'll do every other week uploads for now. 
          	I'm sorta terrified to finish what I'm calling "The Wattpad Manuscript" of this book, because I'm so totally in love with these characters. And we're getting close to the finish line. 
          	I hope those of you that have started my book stick with me. I know it can be a little rough around the edges at times, so any commentary is very much appreciated. I love seeing new interactions with it, again, I can't thank those of you enough who have given it a chance. 
          	Ok that is all. Talk to you in a week.


Hello children, time for your weekly hello from me.  No chappy this week, I apologize, but I'm out of town. School for me starts on Monday as well, so I'm thinking we'll do every other week uploads for now. 
          I'm sorta terrified to finish what I'm calling "The Wattpad Manuscript" of this book, because I'm so totally in love with these characters. And we're getting close to the finish line. 
          I hope those of you that have started my book stick with me. I know it can be a little rough around the edges at times, so any commentary is very much appreciated. I love seeing new interactions with it, again, I can't thank those of you enough who have given it a chance. 
          Ok that is all. Talk to you in a week.


New chapter, for you. 
          I like this chapter. I hope you like this chapter.
          As far as the future goes, I may go back in time a bit and do some editing on earlier chapters this week. From here on out we're onto part 4, but I don't plan on taking any extended breaks. So no need to worry about anything. I'll let u know if I do anything drastic. 
          ALSO,,, the biggest biggest hi's and hello's to everyone who's new, and especially anyone who's added my story to your reading lists. That stuff means the world to me. 
          That's it. See you soon.


          I uploaded a chapter earlier today, I hope you like it. 
          I wanted to say hey because I got some new followers recently and that makes me feel very happy, so hi hi and hi again. Thank you so much if you're peaking at my little story, it means a lot to me. 
          [spon time]
          If you like my characters, you should follow my art account on instagram. It's called @north.the.lemon and I've been drawing Micah and Will a lot, so if you want to know them more, you can visit them over there. 
          Ok, that is all. Talk to you soon. :))


New chappy!! Sorry I skipped a week, this chapter has Echo in it and he's notoriously difficult to write. 
          Also, I reworked a bunch of details literally last night, so for the next few chapters if anything is confusing to you... let me know!! Some of the details I'm worried can get pretty convoluted, and I wanted to make sure they're clear. So yeah! Enjoy, and leave a comment or even a message if you're lost because I've read it so many times, my brain ties it up in knots. 
          Ok! Talk to you next week.


Never mind I guess, I am doing weekly updates. So... new chapter! He's a lil longer, so have fun. Oh, Will. I just love you. :(
          In other news, I edited the summary of the book last night! I'm hoping, y'know, to get some more reads. So if you like this chapter, or any of the chapters, feel free to share it wherever you feel guided. With you buds. On your twitter. I have no idea. 
          But yeah. If you read this, I love you, thank you thank you thank you thank you. :)


Surprise!! I posted a chapter! I know I said I was doing every other week updates, but I was excited, and last week wasn't a *real* update anyway. 
          So enjoy. You get to read my feeble attempt at poetry this chapter. Turns out if you write a character who writes poetry, you also have to write poetry. Oof. 
          Also while I'm here, Wednesday is Micah's birthday! I'm not doing anything special for it, unfortunately. I'm sure he's celebrating with Will. Someone needed to know besides just me lol.
          But if you want to see his cute face, go peep my art Instagram @north.the.lemon because I made and just posted one of those original character introduction pages for him, and he's happy to have attention.
          ANYWAY. That is all, talk to you.... soon?