
Chapter Twenty Nine will be up in a day or two, it’s quite a hectic and important chapter and I want it to be perfect, bare with me! xoxo


It's been 3 years already :((


@NorthenLights Love your books, but i was just wondering...are you okay? how are you? when are you going to update? you don't need to rush, but i just wanna know when you plan to, so i can be excited and do a countdown. 
          	  hope you're okay.


@NorthenLights Hey love your book. When are you going to update? Just wondering.


          I really liked your story 
          I just started  publishing my books . If you have time, I would be grateful to know your opinion about it. I hope you like it and it would be an honor if you read it <3
          And happy new year 


Hey love.
          How r you?????
          Hope everything is well and hope everyone is safe. 
          You are really such an amazing and talented person. 
          Since you have only 2 books so far, both are just truly amazing and I love them too much. 
          I've noticed that the sequel was not updated since a year now and I honestly just want to say it's it's an amazing story. 
          I personally love it so much. Please don't get discouraged or feel not supported enough and continue the sotry. 
          It deserves lots of love and support. 
          I would love it if you continued it.
          I hope nothing too bad has happened that you have stopped writing/ stopped updating the book.
          I hope that whatever it is, you come back brighter, smarter, healthier, more amazing and even more talented. 
          Hope these words have helped you. 
          Love Natasha ♡