
New chapter of Superhumans is out! 


Drafting is almost done! Although April is kind of a reach. The goal is to write everything down and once done, will be releasing new chapters on a set day. Except for the Prologue and Chapter 1. Those will be released at the same time. Sorry for no content but I promise that this will be worth the wait. More to come!


An update: 
          Right now I’m drafting and writing all of season 1 for the rewrite of The Ultimate Destroyer aka Super Humans. 
          My goal is to have it done by the end of the year or early next year. But I’m not promising anything. But I will promise that it will be a lot better than the old Ultimate Destroyer. 
          That’s all! Another update will come if something comes up. In the meantime, talk amongst yourselves! 


          I plan on rewriting The Ultimate Destroyer. After looking back on it, it needs a TON of TLC. Right now I’m drafting, doing back stories, character development, etc. So far, there will be less characters, more time for characters to develop, a totally different scenario, RWBY will still be in it, basically a really polished version of what it is right now. 
          Unfortunately, this will change the other Volumes of T.U.D. Like Volume 1 and 2…still have to plan for that. 
          Anyways, it will take a little bit, but I think it will be well worth the hassle! That’s all! Thank you guys for being yourselves and reading my stories! 


Kind of important, but needs to be said.
          All my books that I’m currently working on will be changed to slow updating. Frankly there is a TON of things in real life I have to focus on, including college. Unfortunately, those things come first, not my writing. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s better late than sorry. 
          But this isn’t my farewell, I’ll be back. In my free time, I will update stories and will introduce new ones. And if I’m free from doing all my real life tasks, then I will seriously focus on Wattpad. 
          Thanks for the love and everyone who reads my stories. You guys are breathtaking. And on that bombshell, I’ll see you guys around :)