
Hey readers! Just an explanation and a heads up as to why I haven't updated Charlie's story :X it's not been abandoned or put on hold.
          	My husband and I just bought a house on Friday! Hurray! So the last few weeks have been spent packing and cleaning our rental, and the last few nights have been spent working on the new place. I let two drunks convince me at 1 in the morning, 12 hours after we bought the place, that we should tear down the old plaster and put dry wall up...so the last three days have been spent building freaking walls lmao. So updates will definitely be slow to come out I would anticipate a few weeks before it really gets rolling as we work on the house and also we have a pretty big doctors appointment for our son next week so...yeah lol.
          	Stay tuned it will come, I haven't abandoned it at all I just really feel strongly about having  walls in my living room xD 


@ObsceneIrrationality Congrats that's so exciting!!!


Guys pls help me find this bookI remember a book where the fmc is a cop and the mmc is mafia or criminal. The fmc was or is married to the main politician or smth. So the fmc goes into mmc's mansion and like stands up to him and everything. They have their moments. And they fall in love. And this guy had a brother.
          And while on an operation his brother gets killed by the police. He was so devastated.
          He goes to her house in his bike and breaks up ig. She was pregnant. I don't remember much but can you guys please help me find this wattpad book…. I rem this scene where once he gifts her a set of bracelet and earrings ig. And yk after they broke up they got back together. So she tells him abt her pregnancy and he proposes to her with a ring. And she tells him you are asking to marry you bcz im pregnant.
          And he goes like look at the ring. And when she looks it resembles to the set of bracelets he had given her during the earlier stages of their relationship. And he says I wanted to propose to you that time but I was scared or smth. This is what I remember. I trust in wattpad community cmon guys help meeeeee


@h0pelessr0mantic2002 Are you talking about "The Dangerous ones" ? It's not entirely similar to what you've described but I think it's pretty similar.


Hey guys, sorry to intrude and post this, I don't want to disturb the peaceful community over here. I just wrote my first story, so I would feel great if you guys can check out my book too and leave reviews on it, so I'll improve and update harder!
          Thank you!!


Sorry to intrude. I just want to let you all know that I have an ongoing project I’m writing and I assure you that you’ll love it ones you give it a try.
          It’s a dark, hot and steamy novel.
          Help me out by checking it out.
          God loves us.❤️
