
I am 5000 words into the next part of Levi×Hana×Mammon's Honeymoon part in Bondmates: Their Ever After. I'm hoping to have it out this week. I also have part of the chapter after it written but I won't make any assumptions on a time frame for that one. But I do know I will have at least one long (or I might split it into two if it gets too long) chapter this week. 
          	For those who are part of my Facebook group you know I haven't played the game in sometime but I started back up the last couple weeks so it got the creative juices going. As I've said before I work full time and go to school full time(I am 31 almost 32 years old) and I only write in my limited amount of spare time. When your brain is thinking in medical terms(I work in the medical field and I'm in school for a medical career) it can be hard to write something else. That and I'm doing my damnedest to graduate with a 4.0 so my priorities is work and school. 
          	I am thankful for those who stuck with me despite my looong breaks. As always thanks for reading!


@ OnBrokenWings90   muchas gracias por tu trabajo ❤️❤️


@AcadiBeau Thanks! I have an Obey Me Group on Facebook that I run from my personal Facebook but here is the link to it. https://www.facebook.com/groups/548570252453973/?ref=share 
          	  Members are always welcome and it is a private group since I had some of my wattpad and Ao3 followers/fellow writers who wanted to share things without their family finding out. Feel free to join and share art or any obey me content you like on there. 


I am 5000 words into the next part of Levi×Hana×Mammon's Honeymoon part in Bondmates: Their Ever After. I'm hoping to have it out this week. I also have part of the chapter after it written but I won't make any assumptions on a time frame for that one. But I do know I will have at least one long (or I might split it into two if it gets too long) chapter this week. 
          For those who are part of my Facebook group you know I haven't played the game in sometime but I started back up the last couple weeks so it got the creative juices going. As I've said before I work full time and go to school full time(I am 31 almost 32 years old) and I only write in my limited amount of spare time. When your brain is thinking in medical terms(I work in the medical field and I'm in school for a medical career) it can be hard to write something else. That and I'm doing my damnedest to graduate with a 4.0 so my priorities is work and school. 
          I am thankful for those who stuck with me despite my looong breaks. As always thanks for reading!


@ OnBrokenWings90   muchas gracias por tu trabajo ❤️❤️


@AcadiBeau Thanks! I have an Obey Me Group on Facebook that I run from my personal Facebook but here is the link to it. https://www.facebook.com/groups/548570252453973/?ref=share 
            Members are always welcome and it is a private group since I had some of my wattpad and Ao3 followers/fellow writers who wanted to share things without their family finding out. Feel free to join and share art or any obey me content you like on there. 


I mentioned this in my about me section for new followers but I needed to post it on here. I am on a hiatus until things slow down in my personal life. I do still work on my writing but it is sentences here and there when I have time. I am going to school fulltime for Medical Administration and working a full time job so it is keeping me fairly busy. I also have other things going on that is more personal that I can not share on here. I have been in none stop classes since this past January and will be until next summer. Please have patience with me, I will release chapters when I get time. I have been attempting to write when I have the spare time but inspiration is running low at the moment since all I have is medical terms filling my brain. 
          I do see comments and appreciate continued support. 
          Thanks for reading!


@OnBrokenWings90 hi! We are game neighbours and I found you here through your bio comment on Obey Me - I'm really enjoying your writing and wanted to thank you for your work!


@OnBrokenWings90 Your writing is so good. I would wait years to see a series finished.


Best of luck to you! You got this! 


I understand that I have a lot of unfinished material on here but like I posted last time I don't get to write a lot anymore. I go to college fulltime, work fulltime, and take care of my family. My personal life comes first before this. I understand subscribers agitation when materials are not uploaded for months and I do apologize for it. I have to focus on one thing at a time. I am working on Levi/Hana/Mammon honeymoon chapter for Bondmates 2 but there is a lot in that chapter and it just isn't coming out how I want it to and I have scrapped it three or four times now. I might change it up. 
          .........spoiler caution......
          I may have an emergency pop up to where Hana will have to go have the rest of the honeymoons after the babies are born. I feel like doing this may be my only way to get myself to move forward with the story. I already know it is dragging at this point so I might throw in some angst and push the rest of the honeymoons off for a while. So that we can move this pregnancy forward and meet the babies. Then I will do the honeymoon for those that didn't get one after the babies are born. 
          Sound like an idea?


@OnBrokenWings90 take your time! I absolutely love reading your work. Do what you think is best. Excited to see what happens!


@OnBrokenWings90 It's okay, please focus on what you think is important first and whatever you may write I will always enjoy reading the story and yeah no need to rush everything at once we can wait^^


@OnBrokenWings90 do what you think is right, i want you to enjoy writing the story as much as i love to read it. let me just say this i adore your writing!


Sorry y'all! I took a very extended break so I could work on getting my real life together. There has been a lot of sh*t happening(deaths, moving, depression problems, and getting sick) After that was sorted I started going back to school at 31 years old for Medical Administration. 
          I started writing the finishing chapters for Bondmates 2 and for Asmo's Two Flowers. I'll be focused on those two until they are done. I'm going to TRY and finish up all my Obey Me Content. The game and I had a bit of a falling out after I spent an a$$ amount of money on a nightmare event and didn't get ANY new SSR or UR cards. So please forgive me about pouting over that for awhile. I started playing again but set a limit on my Google play account for it. 
          Thank you to everyone that has stayed with me despite not putting out new content. Writer's block can be a bitch and extend for long periods of time especially when it's outside factors that cause it. 


It’s nice to see you back. Can’t believe people were sending you rude messages that’s well out of order. I love your stories and am happy to read them over and over again :) 


@OnBrokenWings90 Also, I'm very excited for the next chapters! 


@OnBrokenWings90 I feel you on the writing while things are going bad or off! I use writing as a form of self care, so when I'm depressed, it's hard to want to write. It can be extremely frustrating. 
            Definitely best to ignore the haters! Focus on you! 


For the Asmo Lovers! It is up to 4 chapters so far and there will only be a couple more before it is finished. A short and sweet story with a side dish of spiciness. As with a lot of my stuff it does contain smut but that isn't a big part of the story. 
          Asmo's Two Flowers
          Alana had spent the last ten months taking care of her daughter. Raya was her everything, she loved her daughter and would do anything for her, even if her father had left before he had even realized that Alana was pregnant. 
          Asmo had spent the last ten months trying to forget the woman that had made him look outside of his self. But when it was time for the exchange program to begin why was the woman that he had tried to forget here, and who was the little girl with her? A little girl that looked exactly like Asmodeus.


Happy Birthday To Me!
          Have a good day everyone


 When you write a 3000 word chapter and it disappears! I know it is my fault for not making sure my auto save was on, but I didn't even exit out but closed my laptop lid and POOF it was gone... (Got a new laptop and still messing with it)
          I'll be over here, crying in the corner, until I can rewrite this chapter. 
          It's so depressing 
          To my followers who are also writers, have you done something like this before? 


@OrangeTeaSenpai I am now doing the same. Almost a year ago I uh...accidently spilled alcohol on my laptop and it died. I was an idiot and hadn't backed up any of my story lines or unedited chapters that I had on there. I finally just got a new laptop and it has come with a slight learning curve. But from now on I am going to be saving saving saving. 


@OnBrokenWings90 Yes, it's partially why I'm paranoid when I get into writing something. I save all my drafts across atleast two or three apps including Google Docs now T^T


@OnBrokenWings90 At least it's something :) And in such situations it's better than nothing.
            Yep, the joys and struggles of being a writer. I'm still despairing with my translated writings due to technical problems. Want to swap? x)


I posted a JuminXReaderXLucifer scenario that is doing pretty well so I will make a Cross-Over Story separate from my Obey Me Scenarios. So if you are interested make sure to follow that story for updates. 
          It just wont be Mystic Messenger and Obey Me, I might throw some Love Unholycs cross overs in there too. No release schedule just random when I think up some good cross-over combos. 
          Right now I am working on 'Twins Times Two' OM and MM❤ My two favorite sets of twins I'm not sure when it will be up but I will go ahead and repost the Jumin/Lucifer one to the Crossover section for those that want to follow


@OnBrokenWings90 I- please your gonna leave me for dead