
Time to fetch something to drink and sit down with the newest edition of Tevun Krus, your favourite sci-fi e-zine, ‘trooper!
          	Check it out here:


stumbled upon this scifi wattzine while checking out some top scifi novels. Would love to hear your feedback on my first scifi novel - Call Me Xy and if its suitable enough to be featured in Tevun Krus.


@VenkatSubramanian874 hey, unfortunately we can’t feature novels. But if you want to contribute a short story to one of the upcoming issues, be our guest!


We've begun posting the latest Best Of issue of TEVUN-KRUS, 'troopers! One story a day, with two tales to start you off.
          Finish 2K23 off with a big bang of science fiction!


@Ooorah Our best wishes for this issue! ❤ We are sure it's going to be a smashing one! ❤


Hi guys!
          You very likely don't remember me. I was ZestyWordsmith, and years ago when I was 13 and not the greatest writer ever, I submitted a space western story to you guys.
          I'm back, at least for today.
          It's great to see you guys again. And it's awesome you guys are still going on.
          I wish you many more years of success.
          And if you're curious, I still write. A ton. Leaving WattPad was not the end of me writing. :)


@ZestyWordsmith I remember you! Mike here. If you'd like to contribute a new short story to one of our upcoming issues, let us know!