
Been rereading “Ain’t She Sweet” in order to avoid any plot holes and also to help me regain my writing style because I’m really unhappy with the quality of the last few chapters. Gotta say though, your guys’ comments are so funny it’s making the story 10x better! X


@PauliePie please update! I think your style is amazing


Sis your writing has improved with every new installment! I'm in LOVE with your writing style! ♡


Hey, you story "Ain't  She Sweet" is so good I decided to create a cover of my own, when I finish I can give it to you as a gift.


@danielanovak_  Thank you so much.


Omg  that is so amazing! The talent in immaculate!! @MR-east

            I love this story so much I made a fanart cover of the book. :) Hope you like it.


Hey! I know people probably keep asking about Ain't She Sweet and it's been over a year now since you've updated but it really is such an amazing book, literally the best Beatles book I've read on here and I know that it's inspired mine so much. I know what it's like to get busy and not update BELIEVE ME, I totally do! I didn't update mine for over a year and I'm so glad when I finally did. But I just wanted to really encourage you to finish it because it really is so deserving of all the attention it's gotten and the mysterious twist you've given it that is so unique and keeps us all chomping at the bit to find out what's going on. I just thought I'd tell you once again what a truly incredible book Ain't She Sweet is and I understand how life is and you can't just drop everything and publish another part. But in all honesty, even if it's just a filler chapter, that's something! Anyway, if you see this, just know that we all love your book and I'm sure I'm speaking for multiple people here on this. 


Been rereading “Ain’t She Sweet” in order to avoid any plot holes and also to help me regain my writing style because I’m really unhappy with the quality of the last few chapters. Gotta say though, your guys’ comments are so funny it’s making the story 10x better! X


@PauliePie please update! I think your style is amazing


Sis your writing has improved with every new installment! I'm in LOVE with your writing style! ♡


Honest opinions on how ‘Aint She Sweet’ is going? Is it getting tired and boring / waning and dragging on, or am I managing to maintain my style??? I started it maybe 2 years ago and I have been having difficulty trying to match the rest of the story since my style has developed! X


Oh don’t get me wrong guys, I will finish this story! Every chapter has been planned out for the past 2 years and they are ready to be written!!! Thank you all for the support! And I was really just worried I’d lost my touch and people weren’t enjoying it!! Xx


@PauliePie My honest opinion on it is that it's amazing! I love your story so, so much and I'm always so excited when you post an update so I try to read it as soon as possible. If you feel that style has changed, don't worry I feel the same way about my writing and I think it's natural for writers to grow and develop their writing style over time and if anything, it usually betters the writing so don't worry! You're doing a phenomenal job and someone who updates very slowly, too, I know how hard it is to maintain a style and motivation, but it's your story and it's up to you to convey it the way that pleases you most. So keep doing what you're doing 


What's more important is how you feel about it. I don't think anyone is thinking it's gotten boring or stale. I also think the style has stayed more or less consistent. But if you feel bored or dissatisfied with the story in some way, you need to be honest with yourself about it. Sparks sometimes come and go as we write. I definitely think it's a good story, though!