
More Juggernaut is coming - but I have a problem.
          	I have over 3,000 words of content to add here but I can't access my writing page. I've sent a support request to Wattpad to try and get that resolved.
          	In fact, I have a lot more than 3,000 words written, it's in the tens of thousands, but I only want to add it chronologically, so I'm working to fill in the gaps at the start of the book so I can start uploading big chunks.
          	Big things are coming for our heroes. Do you think they are up to the challenge?


@MaxTor Aww thanks :) I'm working hard to fill the gaps in the early chapters this week. Once they are done I can upload things a lot quicker. I have over 30,000 words written but it's in the wrong order!
          	  I hope you enjoy hanging out with the gang again. They are going to need your support ;)


@PeterADixon That you,  even I am surprised how excited I was to see more chapters!!! I can't wait to visit what universe again.  thank you 


Hello everyone, I'm excited to introduce my debut mafia story titled 'My Queen.' It's a thrilling tale that delves into the underworld of organized crime, where power and loyalty reign supreme. Follow the journey of [Josh and sofia] as they navigate the dangerous landscape of mafia politics, all while grappling with their own personal ambitions and desires. With twists, turns, and unexpected alliances, 'My Queen' promises to keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. Give it a try, and let's embark on this exciting adventure together


Well, I read the first juggernaut book in a couple of days.. and I was reading the second. I got to chapter 50 but, somehow I got lost in the void and haven't been keeping up. Two more books have been written! My binge monster is happy and excited. thanks for listening to my happy surprise that I found these books again.  


@angelkitty15 That's a pretty good excuse! Congratulations!


@PeterADixon hahah, well I realized the void event, was having my daughter. soo I may not be as fast as I once was 


@angelkitty15 You can always leave a review on Amazon if you want ;)


Have you stopped writing or just posting on Wattpad?


@MaxTor Good news :) I've published 4 more parts of Far Horizon, with two more scheduled to be released over the next couple of days. There's a lot more coming this week too. The ending is largely written (and kicks ass) but I need to make sure the journey there is worthy of the destination. Thanks for coming along for the ride :)


@MaxTor Glad to hear that you are still writing.  You are very talented. I understand about life,  it can be hard to make time for pleasure after everything else. 


@MaxTor Neither, but life has been getting in the way for most of this year. Good news though, I'm dedicating a whole week to only writing in a few days, so I hope to get some Far Horizon updates published and I'm adding more action to The Juggernaut.
            I've also been writing Far Horizon out of sequence, so I can't publish some of the completed chapters until I finish the earlier parts, but it's all coming...
            Thanks for your message :)