
          	To Be Who I Am (Stiles) Sterek story has been updated once again! 
          	I am writing my other stories (that I am focusing on) next chapter as well, it just depends which chapter I finish first. 
          	I’ll explain on my other stories when I update, what’s happening. 
          	I took a while to start writing again due to the combination of work, illness, distractions and just losing motivation, but I am back now. 
          	Once again sorry for taking so long! Hope you have had a good week! 


          To Be Who I Am (Stiles) Sterek story has been updated once again! 
          I am writing my other stories (that I am focusing on) next chapter as well, it just depends which chapter I finish first. 
          I’ll explain on my other stories when I update, what’s happening. 
          I took a while to start writing again due to the combination of work, illness, distractions and just losing motivation, but I am back now. 
          Once again sorry for taking so long! Hope you have had a good week! 


Hello! A bit later than I thought I would be back, like a two weeks or so! So so sorry! 
          I have updated To Be Who I Am! And more to come! Not straight away but definitely not as long as this break has been 
          I’ve explained what’s going on, in my newest chapter to Be Who I Am and I will explain in other stories I start updating too x 
          Hope you all have a good week! ❤️


          It’s been a while so thought I would update everyone on what’s happening. 
          I’ve started a new full time job and I’ve been concentrating on my travel website as well as social media sites to help promote my website so I’ve just been too tired to write.
          I definitely want to continue this and still write fanfic it’s just figuring out when I’ll be less tired to do it. I am hoping that I will adapt to this new job and be less tired and be able to do more things after work, which includes writing my stories. 
          I may take a couple of more weeks I think to get used to this schedule. 
          Just in case some people think I’m not serious when I say I have been too tired after work, I’ve been waking up at 5:30 am for five days every week and I usually get home about 7pm and I am on my feet all day 
          So yeah its been a bit of a shock to the system! 
          Hopefully I will adapt and be able to start writing again soon! I think maximin I’d give myself another month, minimum, 2 weeks! 
          Hope everyone’s been well! 


❤️❤️ thank you ☺️ 


@Piper5 no problem, jobs are demanding, it takes time to get used to a new schedule 


@CarleyDTforevs16 Thank you so much! I’m happy you  are understanding ❤️


Hello!  Hope everyone is having a good day! 
          So I have updated my Harry Potter/Teen Wolf story, Wolves In Our Mists 
          To Be Who I Am, Teen Wolf (Sterek though very slow) 
          And my Percy Jackson story Still Running. 
          I will let you know when I will update the other stories I am focusing on that I am still planning x 


Merry Christmas everyone! And if you don’t celebrate Christmas and celebrate something else or don’t celebrate at all! Hope you are having a great day either way! 
          So so Sorry for not posting for ages! family issues, health issues then just lack of motivation and distractions somedays which is my own fault! 
          I am writing multiple chapters so when I post again I’ll post multiple chapters at a time, a way to essentially say sorry for being away for so long! 
          I’ll probably be able to post this week but not sure what days! 


@Jaq_Willow thank you! You too! ❤️


@Piper5 Merry Christmas ✨ wishing you a fruitful day and a prosperous year ahead 


          I've just updated my Teen Wolf/Harry Potter sequal Wolves in our Mists 
          So sorry about how long this has been, apart from feeling unwell I've just been incredibly busy recently, I've explained a bit more about whats on my plate in my most recent chapter. 
          I hope everyone is or has had a good day! <3


Hello! Sorry for being away for so long, my post lower down explains why but along with that I  recently been feeling unwell again but I think I’m starting to recover so I should be a bit more regular updating again soon. 
          Hope everyone is well ❤️


@KH1979 Thank you, I'm feeling better now <3


@Piper5 hopefully your feeling well and thanks for the update.