
Hey guys!!! I know I've been completely MIA lol but it's mainly been because of school. I have a lot more free time now because my school got cancelled for the rest of the year (Thanks corona lmao) I think I might start uploading or just doing some edits to stories. I'll absolutely be more active with my DMs and stuff like that, though. Feel free to message me anytime and keep your eye out for new chapters. I'm leaning more towards updating Summer as a Greaser. Thanks everyone for all your support I love you guys so much!!!!! Stay gold!!!!


@Pony_babe I loved the first chapter of The girl across town! Do you plan on continuing that story?


I just finished Dally’s little sister, read what’s there of I forgot the name(the one with Two-Bits cousin) and I’m reading the back-in-time one


@Pony_babe I just finished chapter, "Out with a bang" from "Dally's little sister", and I cried at the end. That hit real hard for me. But none the less, I'm going to continue reading it, because I love it so far and can't wait to see where it goes from there! I hope you have a wonderful day/night!


I just finished The outsiders: Dally's little sister.... I have read a LOT of fanfictions and by far is this the best one❤ You have got some talent, I love it Can't wait to read more of your stories! I read a lot on Wattpad but this is the first time I'm leaving a comment. Cause you deserve it. Keep on going
          Lots of Love ~Luana :)


Hey I love love your story: The outsiders: a greaser for the summer. But when are you going to add more chapters night rush just wondering and I'm new to this fan club thing ( I don't remember what there called at the moment lol)