
Oh boy…I just got home from work…it’s 10:00pm and the first thing I see when I walk into my apartment is my freezer door wide open and one of my cats inside it eating my chicken tenders through the bag…..


@Princess_of_Heart01 Oh goodness! I can't believe your cat did that. I hope you had a good day.❤


@Talia-Luvs-Bonno he seems ok, I’m going to keep an eye on him just in case…he’s not happy I removed him from the chicken. My day was busy but it was good. I didn’t have a chance to eat my dinner so I’m making it now and I bought home an $10 in tips so that’s a win for me.


@Princess_of_Heart01  but aside from that is your cat okay? And how was your day?


Oh boy…I just got home from work…it’s 10:00pm and the first thing I see when I walk into my apartment is my freezer door wide open and one of my cats inside it eating my chicken tenders through the bag…..


@Princess_of_Heart01 Oh goodness! I can't believe your cat did that. I hope you had a good day.❤


@Talia-Luvs-Bonno he seems ok, I’m going to keep an eye on him just in case…he’s not happy I removed him from the chicken. My day was busy but it was good. I didn’t have a chance to eat my dinner so I’m making it now and I bought home an $10 in tips so that’s a win for me.


@Princess_of_Heart01  but aside from that is your cat okay? And how was your day?


I’m so excited! Me and my friend are going to see Shrek 2 in the movies for its 20th anniversary!!! Not to be over dramatic the fact the second movie 20 years old makes me feel kinda old-
          I also told her she has to wear green XD (I love to go to the movies and match the movie in someway and of course she doesn’t have to match if she doesn’t want to) also we are sneaking in green snacks too! I’m making us a swamp snack mix :)


@Princess_of_Heart01 Oh my gosh! I love that movie so much!! Happy 20th Anniversary, Shrek 2!!!❤❤❤


I saw that Wattpad is going to be taking away private messages… With that being said if you ever want to reach out to me than feel free to message me on my Tumblr account Rather if you just want to talk, share an idea or if you have a request I don’t mind! <3


@Brchocomochie I suspect it would have something to do with minors honestly


Yea I've just seen that today, It's kind of weird honestly. 


@Princess_of_Heart01 What? Really? How dare they? Sadly, I don't have a Tumblr account. :(


For those who are reading my RWBY book, since I’m editing and changing a few things I was thinking about changing some of Y/n’s hobbies. It’s been mentioned that’s she’s into music and is making a mixtape but I was wondering would it be more fitting for her to be into collecting things? I was thinking it kinda goes well with her bubbly personality and it’s cute. Of course she’s still into music but not into editing it or stuff like that. I would love to hear your thoughts. :)


@Pink_shrimpy alrighty, thanks. I got some cute ideas 


@Princess_of_Heart01  if you're looking for a way to incorporate her collection to her room, I would suggest look at Sims rooms or go look at this one that I found on Pinterest


@Pink_shrimpy alrighty! Thanks! I’m always open to my reader’s suggestions, if you have any more ideas I would love to hear them!


Alright I unpublished RWBY again and I’m starting to work on it. I realised in the last chapter I accidentally mashed elements of the episode Emerald Forest and The First Step pt 2 sooooo I’m going to fix that. Oops- I’m going to “rewrite” and edit the chapters I have so it might be slightly different . Hopefully once I’m done for those who are reading I hope you will go back and re read the newish chapters :) <3