
this message may be offensive
Guess whose back, back in blue...Ok not really back more like exploratory backness. Without going into details of the past few years of shit I've been in, I have finally gotten the labels I need to get the help I need (with a test for another label next month, woo), as much as I HATE labels it was time I get them so I could know how to help myself now and in the future instead of just thinking I have this or that. So between therapy and meds, I'm actually considering writing again. Yay.
          	Now the key word right now is considering, I'm still taking everything one step at a time but the muses have actually been chirping at me lately so I'm taking that as a good sign. I'll likely start just doing short flash fic type things and not commit to any novels, but still feeling like I'm ready to try again and see if I meltdown with the "I suckness" again is something that hasn't happened since I started my hiatus.
          	So, bunny, what is the point of posting this if you're not sure you're even going to start writing again? Well I'm glad you asked, Mr imaginary person you...
          	The reason I ask is to see if there's anyone still out there. Because I'm still unsure about returning to Wattpad or Tapas or posting anywhere. I might just write for myself and only myself, but I still wanted to see who might still be around because I don't know...I'm weird like that. It would definitely be easier to say "Nope, peace out forever Wattpad" if nobody is out there LOL
          	So yeah...that's it. Respond. Don't respond. What evs. I'm just glad I heard writing voices again. Woo. *poofs back into blue nothingness*


@Prisim So sorry that you have gone.  I just finished re-reading Dragon and really with there was a 3rd. I hope you get this an know that there are still people enjoying your stories 


@Prisim I understand. I go through that periodically where I DO delete Facebook. Which is probably why I'm not on there anymore, you probably deleted me while I was deactivated.


@PJMalone I am still on FB but I did go through an epic purge during one of my many meltdowns during the past couple years so I'll be honest... I have no idea if you survived those meltdowns or not LOL I deleted people that I didn't even remember deleting until they tried to message me. It was that kind of meltdown. Kinda surprised I didn't delete FB all together but sadly it is my only contact with a lot of people.


Hey! Hope your day is going alright! 
          I just wanted to try and reach out to you... I really have enjoyed the first two books of the Draygon series, do you have time to write another part to them? I look forward to your reply!


this message may be offensive
Guess whose back, back in blue...Ok not really back more like exploratory backness. Without going into details of the past few years of shit I've been in, I have finally gotten the labels I need to get the help I need (with a test for another label next month, woo), as much as I HATE labels it was time I get them so I could know how to help myself now and in the future instead of just thinking I have this or that. So between therapy and meds, I'm actually considering writing again. Yay.
          Now the key word right now is considering, I'm still taking everything one step at a time but the muses have actually been chirping at me lately so I'm taking that as a good sign. I'll likely start just doing short flash fic type things and not commit to any novels, but still feeling like I'm ready to try again and see if I meltdown with the "I suckness" again is something that hasn't happened since I started my hiatus.
          So, bunny, what is the point of posting this if you're not sure you're even going to start writing again? Well I'm glad you asked, Mr imaginary person you...
          The reason I ask is to see if there's anyone still out there. Because I'm still unsure about returning to Wattpad or Tapas or posting anywhere. I might just write for myself and only myself, but I still wanted to see who might still be around because I don't know...I'm weird like that. It would definitely be easier to say "Nope, peace out forever Wattpad" if nobody is out there LOL
          So yeah...that's it. Respond. Don't respond. What evs. I'm just glad I heard writing voices again. Woo. *poofs back into blue nothingness*


@Prisim So sorry that you have gone.  I just finished re-reading Dragon and really with there was a 3rd. I hope you get this an know that there are still people enjoying your stories 


@Prisim I understand. I go through that periodically where I DO delete Facebook. Which is probably why I'm not on there anymore, you probably deleted me while I was deactivated.


@PJMalone I am still on FB but I did go through an epic purge during one of my many meltdowns during the past couple years so I'll be honest... I have no idea if you survived those meltdowns or not LOL I deleted people that I didn't even remember deleting until they tried to message me. It was that kind of meltdown. Kinda surprised I didn't delete FB all together but sadly it is my only contact with a lot of people.


So I really haven't been around much at all, and many of you may not even remember me at this point, but I wanted to take a moment to wish all who celebrate it a Merry Christmas and happy holiday for whichever you do celebrate. 
          I unfortunately still haven't started writing again but I think I've finally got other things back on track in my life so I am very hopeful I can get myself back to where I need to be to work on the next Draygon book without causing myself another crash. I at the very least want to wrap up Siobhan's story for everyone who has been so loyal to me while I've dealt with my personal issues and gone silent.
          Even though I haven't responded to any of them I appreciate those who have left the occasional comment on the books that have come back to Wattpad. It really still brings joy to my heart knowing that despite how I've felt about myself, others are still enjoying my work.
          It has been a very rough couple of years and a very bumpy road, but here's hoping I can share the rest of Siobhan and Wren's journey with you soon.


@djcampbell143112782 Had to break my hiatus to respond to this one (while I'm not active I am still occasionally checking my wattpad) I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Colon cancer is what took my mom from me when I was a child so I know that pain all to well. I'm glad that my books could bring you together during that time. It is truly an honor to hear that.
            Unfortunately I really don't think I'm ever going to get published and frankly I don't even know if I'll ever write again at this point. Right now I'm focusing on my mental health so writing has been kind of non-existent while I do that. When I was crashing hard, it just wasn't bringing me the joy it once was. I criticized myself for EVERYTHING. So stepping away was, and still is, needed until I can build myself back up.
            For that same reason is why I likely won't bring the rest back to Wattpad. I brought a few back to help people through covid and so far haven't decided to remove them again, so I'm not going to say they'll never return. It's just not likely.
            I am truly honored at what my writing has meant to you. You really have no idea how great hearing that makes me. Hopefully someday I'll find that joy in writing again and can at least wrap up the Draygon trilogy.


@Prisim I have to say it, I miss Josh! I can't go on without him! Please help me! I have to have him! Seriously though, I am ashamed to admit I can't remember the title of the book that I love most and really need to read again! These books were the only thing that ke}t my moms spirits up during her sickness. We lost her to colon cancer November 27,2021. Your stories were what brought her and I closer in the beginning of her battle. After I read everything you posted on here I set my mom up to read them from my account and I even read some of them to her when the treatments had her too tired to read herself. She and I still spoke about your characters and your stories the day befo=e she passed. So if you can and you feel li(e you want to reshare them here, I would greatly appreciate it, and I'll understand if it's too much trouble. Freelander is stuck in my head but I'm not sure if that's the correct title or not. I don't want you to feel obligated or anything. It would just be nice if I could read them again. Mom told me that the day we could buy them in hard copy we were buying 2 sets and I am to figure out getting you to sign both sets for us. I'm still betting that day will come. Mom and I both were waiting for that day @nd I am still waiting. You h@ve it in you to succeed as a writer, with an amazing talent that captivated 3 generations at once. That's not an easy feat.;it you did it with my mom, my son's, and myself with one series of stories from your beautiful creative mind. My son's and I await the day that we can make that purchase and I can pester you for your autograph!


@Prisim It has been a very long time! I hope this message finds you well, happy, and fully stocked with as many Gummy Bears as possible! I'm not going to lie, I started hoarding gummy bears back in March of 2020 at the very beginning of the pandemic! I should probably be ashamed of myself for this, but I'm not! Prisim, my Gummy Goddess, we'll wait for you to be ready to come share your amazing writing with us until the end of time if that's what it takes! Sending you love, light, healing energy, and always Gummy Bears! Be well my friend! All of us love you chica! Oh, and I bought the 4pound Gummy Bear in Cherry flavor! $40 from vat19. com!


Hello @Prisim, I was trying to find advice on Wattpad, and came across your Wattpad guide. Normally, when I find a good book, or in your case, a helpful guide, I normally hop over to see the writers profile to check out their other books!
          This is what I did today, coming across your profile, so I wanted to say what a good writer you are and how much I enjoyed reading your books!
          Thanks for making such a great collection of great reads
          Mina :D


I haven't been on Wattpad in months, but I wanted to pop over here real quick just to wish everyone a Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it) and Happy New Year. Here's to 2021 being a better year.


 Thank you and a Merry Christmas to you as well 


And back atcha! Merry Christmas, and here's hoping for a healthy and prosperous new year!


@Prisim Merry Christmas!!


Is there a third  book in the draygon series. 


@frosrieb Hopefully eventually. But I'm struggling with my confidence so just haven't written much of it at all. I've gotten about a chapter done but haven't touched it in a month. I'm trying, but it's one of those can't force myself moments so I have to ride the tides of wanting to write as they come in.