
Hello Bunnies! I swear I haven't disappeared off the face of the earth! Just been taking my time with things and life. I'll do my best to get back into updating my books, but so far I have about four of them I am trying to work on, though they are not all here. So if updates are delayed, there are other things I'm working on. Be patient with me!! Love you all!!!


Hello Bunnies! I swear I haven't disappeared off the face of the earth! Just been taking my time with things and life. I'll do my best to get back into updating my books, but so far I have about four of them I am trying to work on, though they are not all here. So if updates are delayed, there are other things I'm working on. Be patient with me!! Love you all!!!


Hey bunnies!! I know, almost an entire year since you've heard from me, right? Well, it's been a lot going on for me. I lost people I loved last year and I've been giving through my own personal changes and trying to recover from personal burnout. I'm working on the chapters again, but it'll take a while for me to get them all out. I'll try to aim for once a week!


@QueenBuni04 my condolences to people you lost.
            But I'm glad you are doing ok and remember to enjoy your life and time.
            Everybody needs a break so remember to take some 


Bunnies...... I'm.... alive!!!! I know it's been so, so long. And even longer since I posted an update for ANY of my stories. I know and I'm so sorry!!!!!! Just been dealing with a lot. My grandma has cancer, work, baby sister I got a couple years ago, and trying to live my life. I will find time to update, I promise. Just give me some time! <3


I graduated high school yall!!!! I did it!!!!!!


@QueenBuni04 at least u don't have to go back 


Hey girl, I haven’t come  back to wattpad in ages!! I hope you’re doing okay and taking care of yourself ❤️✨


@QueenBuni04 omgg! It’s a bit late but happy birthdayyy!! ❤️


@Astraea_e it will!! Also, I turned 18 last month, so yay!!


Omg!!! Your eyes do not deceive you!!!! I have actually made an update!!!
          I'm so sorry it took so long to get Chapter 6 out of Text Subject 17, almost a year I believe. But tada!! It's finally available!!! I found the strength and motivation to fondant finish updating and publishing it, so read up Royals!!!


I know what you're all thinking........
          ........she's dead isn't she?
          No my Royal Bunies. I have been busy. I got a baby sister and then school started, so my life is hectic. I'm trying to keep going on TS17, I have no idea what's going on with Thieves in the Night. It's been so long since I've updated anything, I'm not sure where my train of thoughts were. Christmas vacay is in a couple months, so I'll try to update as much as I can then. Love you guy!!!


So, summer has been here for 2 weeks. And you may be wondering, why haven't you posted anything?
          Truth is. I completely forgot about Wattpad and don't use it as much as I used to. I'm super sorry and will try my best to complete the stories I have created. But I need you guys to help me out too. I've said it a couple times before, but I really love reading your guys' comments. I am always open to criticism and suggestions, but I won't ever know what I should change or what you guys think of y ya won't comment!! Also, I will be adding the link to my stories on YouTube in the descriptions too see if that works. So far, the only one that has audio is Test Subject 17. And it probably will be the only one for a while. Anyways, I will try to find free time to get back to editing thebooks and what not. Also, I have so many freaking drafts so if it says it's a new book, it's more than likely just one I unpublished so I could focus on certain books instead. 
          Love you guys!!! Eat your veggies!!!


Hey, sorry I haven't been able to be here as much. School is just a pain and I'm going through so much that I can't anymore...I'm probably gonna take a longer break than I thought. My mental health is deteriorating and I kinda need it to get better lol. So, stay safe Royal Bunies!! (You've been upgraded)