
That moment when you see your work translated into another language: “Mind the Gap”, co-written with @EvelynHail, is now “El Último Tren“. So, if you like to read a funny, little love story in Spanish, have a peek. (Of course, there’s also the original English version on Evelyn’s profile. If you haven’t read it yet, now would be the perfect time.)


Congratulations @RainerSalt and @EvelynHail - still one of my favourites :)
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Hey! Ich gratuliere zum Watty-Gewinn! Cool, noch einer, der im kleinen Schwiizer-Ländli wohnt.


@brunoheter ... und lustig, dass ich heue Morgen gerade etwas über dich gelesen habe (in Author's Corner).
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@brunoheter Danke! Das mit dem Watty fühlt sich gschpässig an. 
            Und ja: kleine Welt. (*macht Fenster auf und jodelt*)
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How are you ?


@RainerSalt curse you real life and your demands on us to perform bill paying activities ( shakes fist at metaphorical sky)
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@AuthorJMColes Real life has kept me too busy these days. But I want to get back to it.
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Pretty good - are you still writing? 
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Hallo Rainer
          @jinnis hat mir auf unserem Segelturn gesagt, sie würde gerne von dir ähnliche Fragen beantwortet erhalten. Ehrlich gesagt, würde mich da auch einiges interessieren. Also hier die Frage: Wärst du bereit, dich meinen Fragen zu stellen?
          Siehe dazu: Author's Corner auf meinem Profil.
          Gerne erwarte ich deine Antwort. Gruß - deine Lesende


Hello Rainer! We would love for you to join our 2023 Nano Watt Season a mini version of the Wattys . We have 1000 slots available across 10 categories. Submission close May 10. Head over to our profile for more details.
          The Nano Watt,
          Crowning Excellence!


Dang you got invited and you haven’t posted in 2 years ❤️✨you must have mad talent ❤️✨
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That moment when you see your work translated into another language: “Mind the Gap”, co-written with @EvelynHail, is now “El Último Tren“. So, if you like to read a funny, little love story in Spanish, have a peek. (Of course, there’s also the original English version on Evelyn’s profile. If you haven’t read it yet, now would be the perfect time.)


Congratulations @RainerSalt and @EvelynHail - still one of my favourites :)
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Today, I have posted the fourth version of Bunker Bird. 
          A thorough revision, adding two new chapters and tweaking the storyline in numerous places.
          If you liked the book back when it was published, this would be the time for a #RR (Re-Read).


I can’t wait to read it again.  
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@ RainerSalt  Hmmm, good question. I think you're right; it probably still is. Might be that my perception of the word has changed, though... 
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@RainerSalt Amy V 4.0 shall need some soul patching and some pumpkin patchin :P ☺️ *snickers*
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