
I'd been wondering why WP had removed its private messaging services but never looked it up... until now. A Google search states that, 'Wattpad is removing the ability for users to send each other direct messages, claiming that the feature has “only been relevant to a small percentage” of its global user base.'
          	Seriously?! What kind of reason is that? So, just because it appears that only a select few people are using the feature, it gets labeled as predominantly irrelevant? Nah, I wanna protest...


          I hope this message finds you well.
          I am reaching out to inquire about your current involvement in the Heather community. As the manager of judges, it's important for us to have an updated understanding of each member's participation status. Could you kindly confirm whether you are still active within the community?
          Your prompt response would be greatly appreciated, as it will help us ensure the smooth coordination of our activities and events.
          Thank you for your attention to this matter.
          Best regards,
          Manager of Judges  
          Heather Community


@Read-aholic2006 alright thank you love!


@Ashidrafts Hey. I'm a reviewer and judge for the Heather Community and currently have two books to review on my list. So, yeah, still active ;)


Hi apologies for posting on your wall (losing dms has not made this easy)
          Are you able to re-send your poetry results for the contest? I tried searching for them but they've gotten lost in a sea of results. Sorry to be a pain! <3


@TheHappyWriters OK, I've resent the results to you... did you receive them?


I'd been wondering why WP had removed its private messaging services but never looked it up... until now. A Google search states that, 'Wattpad is removing the ability for users to send each other direct messages, claiming that the feature has “only been relevant to a small percentage” of its global user base.'
          Seriously?! What kind of reason is that? So, just because it appears that only a select few people are using the feature, it gets labeled as predominantly irrelevant? Nah, I wanna protest...


So, yesterday, I'd been working on TROJAN in order to reach that intimidating 20K word goal for the ONC's final round. Unfortunately, I'd been unable to high-five that beautiful milestone. I'd only had around 1 463 more words to write, but it was almost three in the morning, I was exhausted, my brain couldn't think anymore, the deadline was right around the corner, I'd have still had to edit all the chapters I'd whipped up—
          Honestly, I was deeply disappointed in myself, buuuut I'm still going to finish TROJAN this year and I'm definitely going to enter 2025's ONC! And to those who are still in the competition—I wish you all the best!


ATTENTION DEAR FOLLOWERS! Okay, I know this isn't what Wattpad is for, but I have this Gr 12 Computer Applications Technology Practical Assessment Task to complete. Hence, I would deeply—immensely—appreciate it if at least 14 respondents would bother to fill out this little survey I've created. Note: You do NOT have to be an expert in green jobs to answer any of the questions. Thank you so much!


          ayy im so proud of u. uve really taken to writing 


@trixster_01 I have no idea what the reason for their decision is but I hate it. Anyway, I'd like to read your stuff some time. I too am very busy with my own writing and I'd really like to hear your opinion on TROJAN! Ugh, I wish you'd be online more but I totally understand. Wish you all the best


this message may be offensive
@Read-aholic2006 holy shit. OH MY GOD, wait i’m so proud that’s brilliant love .
            uhh yes and no?? with so many exams and school workload increasing i haven’t had a lot of time to write other than in lit class 
            i feel like i may have improved tho (from sheer willpower alone hmph (i didn’t do anything else))) 
            but i may start again when summer break starts. 
            wait what really??? why?? 


@trixster_01 Yup. I've entered Wattpad's Open Novella Contest 2024 and made it to the third round, so I had to push myself. What have you been up to, anyway? Are you writing anything? And you've probably heard WP is going to remove the option to directly message users on this platform. How ridiculous!


Thank you for your votes on "Sunset's Verses" and for adding it to your poetry reading list, I really appreciate the support! <33
          If you don't mind me asking, did you not like some of the poems?


@Read-aholic2006 Ah, gotcha, I was just thrown off a bit, since "My Irises" is the first poem in the collection and "A Funny Feeling" is one of the more recent ones, but I guess not everyone reads them in the order I posted them, which is okay. <3


@SunsetMercer No problem. And I've only read 2 of your poems so far. So, no—I haven't come across any poems I dislike.


Hey, dear followers! Just a quick promo I hope most of you don't scroll over: The Esthetíque Community is hiring again. So, if you're interested in being a reviewer, judge, interviewer, instagram-keeper, story scouter or whatever else, then go check out their Community Book. Thx.❤️


Just watched the movie based on the Wattpad book "The Girl He Never Noticed" with my fam. I'm rating it a solid 4 stars at best. The female lead—although I liked her in the beginning due to her fiery nature—is the most frustrating, irritating, indecisive, confusing character I've ever come across. She literally had my gran, mom, cuz and me screaming at the TV because of her annoying personality. Eros did everything he could for her while she either sobbed or yelled at him. He wanted to be a part of her life from the start while all it seemed that she wanted to do was climb into his pants—after which she had the nerve to push him away? Gosh, she's so stubborn. But the movie, overall, was great. Sweet, sad, fuzzy, funny. And the ending... it was beautiful. 
          Also, the male MC is GORGEOUS. Seriously. His skin is made of silk and his face is chiseled to perfection—ARRGGHRGHG!!!