
Hey everyone, 
          	I am Divya Gupta, operating this account on behalf of RealityvsDreamss. I have been given liberty to republish her stories on the condition that I ll be responsible for keeping an eye on any  plagiarism happening, immediately report it and unpublish the plagiarized story. I hope readers will help me here in making sure that we report plagiarism for our own benefit. I will start with Horizon of love, if anyone wants to read any other story message me.


@RealityvsDreamss Hey I wanna talk to u....Hw can I cnct u...I jz loved ur stories


Please post all her stories.  They are just out of the world. 


@RealityvsDreamss oh,  this is fantastic.  Do convey to the writer.   I was so looking forward to reading it again!  


Please start the story unromantic husband .. I am waiting for it


@IchcheDana Hey, I don't think writer will write anything for a few months. She is very busy since past few months with lots of issues coming up in office. I will convey the message to her. (Divya)


Hey everyone, 
          I am Divya Gupta, operating this account on behalf of RealityvsDreamss. I have been given liberty to republish her stories on the condition that I ll be responsible for keeping an eye on any  plagiarism happening, immediately report it and unpublish the plagiarized story. I hope readers will help me here in making sure that we report plagiarism for our own benefit. I will start with Horizon of love, if anyone wants to read any other story message me.


@RealityvsDreamss Hey I wanna talk to u....Hw can I cnct u...I jz loved ur stories


Please post all her stories.  They are just out of the world. 


@RealityvsDreamss oh,  this is fantastic.  Do convey to the writer.   I was so looking forward to reading it again!  


Due to extremely busy schedule, I can't always keep track of plagiarism happening for my stories. Came to know about a recent, very blatant one, where writer is very smartly using lines from HoL with slight modifications but most of the lines remain same with tweak of language (yeh, language skills poorer than me...maybe intentionally or not...I have no idea) done very smartly. Number of votes and comments for a copied story have surprised me! Sans a faithful friend here, none of the readers could figure it out? I have realised, readers here only want to read ArShi story. It doesn't matter to them if this copy is getting updated on a daily basis after plagiarizing  someone's hard work of an year! 
          I will surely take action against culprit, in a few weeks,maybe, when my priority tasks are over. It hs already been sent for plagiarism check. 
           I am really sorry, if it causes inconvenience to anyone, of any kind. I have to do this to protect my work. Also, I think most of readers have already read it.


@RealityvsDreamss I’m missing this story a lot! I used to keep coming back to read it! I wish you would upload it back in a safe space soon!


@RealityvsDreamss I have lost the count of reading horizons of love .its one of my favorite book 


@RealityvsDreamss , oh I loved HOL and was so looking forward to reading it again.  It's criminal how people steal genuine hard work of others and completely oppose it.  Let me know if you need support in this.  Also,  when you are comfortable, please republish. 


Hi di, this is Dipanwita. Hope you remember. Hopefully u r doing fine in personal and professional field? Wanted to ask u something. 
          Actually, I wrote a story called 'Unrequited Love'. And its imp for me to introduce a review page for this story. But couldn't able to find right words to ask for reviews, which gave me a thorough insight of the story. Then I remember your's Horizon of Love's review page. 
          Can I copy the reason of you asking the review for ur story? That's exactly why I wanted one. Ofcourse if u have no problem. 
          I thought to ask ur permission before. 
          Dipanwita.  ( Stay Safe, take care )